Idea compassionate mockup

The Compassionate Friends Website

Non-Profit Web Design in Oak Brook IL

The Compassionate Friends is an organization that has established a supportive community that provides comfort, hope, and support for those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one.

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Custom Built WordPress Website

Idea Marketing Group designed and built a custom non-profit website for The Compassionate Friends organization on the WordPress platform. Their website allows for easy navigation and is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. With strong keywords and rich content, The Compassionate Friends website will rank well on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

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Providing Support and Growth

With chapter sessions that are hosted in many areas throughout the country and can be found online, people come together to talk and share their experiences. Founded over 50 years ago, when two sets of grieving parents were brought together to provide support to each other. The Illinois chapter was incorporated in 1978 and offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members during the natural grieving process.

Hiroko Mori, Director of Sales & Marketing
MIRWEC Coating, Bloomington, IN
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