Idea certmatters mockup

Certification Matters Website

Healthcare Web Design in Chicago

Certification Matters is part of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and is a recognized leader in developing and setting the standard for physician specialty certification in the U.S. ABMS and the certification organization offers board certification exams in 40 specialties and 87 sub-specialties.

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Custom Built WordPress Website

The non-profit organization consists of board-certified doctors who want to treat patients must complete an internship, residency, and some additional medical education. Many doctors choose to become Board Certified in more than one specialty like dermatology, pediatrics, or surgery.

Idea Marketing Group and Certification Matters partnered to create an easily navigable website that would help users feel confident in choosing a board-certified doctor in their area. The custom web design prominently features third-party testimonials, the different specialties they offer, as well as a simple form for finding important information quickly. The new WordPress website is user-friendly and easy to access across mobile devices, making the user’s experience the highest priority.

Raj Jain, CEO
Aria Technology Solutions, Buffalo Grove, IL

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