Idea Capricorn Mockup

CAPriCORN Website Design

Healthcare Web Design in Illinois

The Chicago Area Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network is one of nine Clinical Research Networks supported by the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. They work to improve the health of patients and communities in Chicago.

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Custom Built WordPress Website

Idea Marketing Group worked with CAPriCORN to build a clean website that showcases their work, goals, and more. Our team of developers and designers built a user-friendly website, that is optimized for mobile use as well. The site content is SEO optimized to support ongoing marketing efforts, and build brand awareness for the network. The WordPress website is designed to rank in search engines like Google, and Yahoo and has information on their projects, patient engagement, research, and mor

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Health Care Quality, Outcomes, & Equity

The Chicago Area Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network or CAPriCORN is a partnership of research institutions, patient advocates, clinicians, and patients who connect expertise with the electronic health data needed to answer critical health questions. CAPriCORN develops, tests, and implements policies and programs to improve health care quality, health outcomes, and health equity for the Chicagoland population.

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