Audio Visual Web Design

The highly competitive audio visual industry demands your company has a world-class web design. Just as each client's reputation is on the line when they host an important event, your business reputation is on the line each time someone visits your website. Ensure visitors have a memorable experience that makes them return and refer your AV company to their colleagues.

Shannon McNealy, Marketing Manager
Abcom Rents, Itasca, IL
Audio/Visual Website Project
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Track measurable results

We build Google Analytics into the back end of every website we design. This allows us, and each of our clients, to better understand what content is working, what’s not, and why. That way, we can make informed decisions, based on objective data.


Get qualified leads seeking AV

We make sure our clients get discovered, whether their customers are researching or ready to book services. We integrate several marketing channels throughout the year, as well as ongoing website SEO, and online advertising to reach the largest target audience possible.

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Our job is to make your job easier

The Idea Marketing Group team is comprised of senior-level designers, developers, and marketers, each committed to helping clients succeed. Our project management process is designed to prioritize ongoing communication and transparency.

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Grab attention with a visual gallery

We build websites that are intended to be as visually stunning as the events they feature. We believe a picture’s worth a thousand words–and a gallery of images may be the difference between a potential client choosing to book your services or leave your site.

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Embed video to share experiences

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a dynamic video can leave potential clients speechless. Videos embedded on our website can bring event organizers into the environment you create for your clients. Include your best work to show everyone the experience they can expect when they book your services.

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Share your entire AV catalog

You know Audio/Visual better than anyone. Your custom website provides the perfect opportunity to show the wide range of audio-visual equipment you offer. Help potential clients make an informed decision and build a mutually beneficial partnership by guiding them through their decision-making process.

We help A/V companies reach bigger audiences more effectively.

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