Portfolio of Work

Custom Manufacturing Web Design

We’re heavily invested in your success. With us, you’ll get a partnership with a highly experienced + dedicated team to help your brand grow and scale online. Since 2009, we’ve become a top manufacturing web designer in the US. Below are just some of the recent examples of website builds with the best manufacturers around as well as marketing projects we’ve worked on.

Precision Gauge Logo for Idea Marketing Group Manufacturing Marketing Case Studies

Building a Precise Site with a Clean, Modern Look

Precision Gage Co. has supported manufacturers with tailored metrology solutions that enable mass production since 1948. Their unrivaled focus and commitment to manufacturing quality and productivity objectives guarantee every inspection solution to be innovative and formulated with generations of engineering expertise.

Project Details
"Engineered metrology solutions since 1948."

Custom Manufacturing Web Design to Showcase the Full Range of Our Clients Services and Products

Our team of expert website marketers sat down with the PG team to fully discuss the scope of their redesign project. We prioritize understanding our client’s story and what they hope to achieve with their business. By better understanding our clients we can not only fix their pain points and satisfy their requirements, but can deliver improvements that they may not have even known were needed! We analyze client each project in depth to determine how we can maximize their opportunities for success.

With this project our client approached us with the main issue that their website did not accurately reflect their full range of services and capabilities, and that their current site was outdated and had an overwhelming amount of information that simply wasn’t digestible. This problem led traffic to ‘bounce’ from the page, which in turn hurt page rankings and fewer inbound leads, something they were looking to maximize.

As one of the best web development agencies in industrial web design we knew we could deliver exactly what our clients needed, and more. Our team has designed countless manufacturing websites that display a client’s products and services in a navigable and comprehensible manner while improving design and page ranking, which in turn results in higher rates of customer inbound leads.

Showcasing Products and Services to Increase Inbound Leads For Our Client

We built a client site to efficiently organize content in a digestible manner. PG offers a variety of products and services. This increases potential customers, but also results in large amounts of irrelevant site information to visitors searching for something different. To ensure potential customers find info relevant to their intent, we organized the site ultra-efficiently by minimizing distractions or potential points where clients get ‘lost.’

With this in mind, we built a refreshed site layout, organizing PG’s products and services. On the homepage main menu bar users find options to select Products, Engineering, Inspection, and Calibration. Users begin their journey in the topic area that brought them to the site. If a user is uncertain a clearly visible search bar rests above the main menu bar. A click on the main menu options reveals services and products offered under that topic with descriptions that educate and inform users what they’re viewing. On each topic page, users find contact form options directly beneath listed products and services. This constant option encourages contacting the PG team.

User journey was improved by simplifying navigation and the site’s search function. By organizing content we kept each page’s information from overwhelming users, ultimately reducing cognitive load on visitors. Reducing bounce rates levels per page improves the entire website search engine ranking. Improved ranking means increased visibility and traffic for the site. A ranking improvement by one place can lead to huge increases in clicks. While percentages across industry vary, ranking better produces higher traffic, meaning higher potential lead conversion.

The new site features modern design reflecting our client’s cutting edge expertise. Perhaps most importantly, it resembles the layouts of leading global companies, subconsciously inspiring a level of trust and recognition in the first few milliseconds of user interaction. Use of modern techniques, like the parallax effect on the home screen, where the ‘back layer’ of the site moves at a different speed than the front layer, creates a 3D effect for users. This advanced feature is a hallmark of a well-designed website.

While improved site and organization increase traffic and lead conversion, our team implemented distinct CTAs to call customer attention across the site. We created a Quote Request button at the end of the main menu that’d highlight upon hovering to a bright blue matching the brand color of Precision Gauge. The main menu was pinned to stay in its location wherever a user navigated to on the site which meant an attractive CTA button was always one click away.

The new custom built PG site functions as their online brochure to customers. A new intuitive layout with Distinct CTAS assisted users in locating desired information and encouraged contact form submission. New, fresh modern design was easily recognizable as an up to date and trustworthy site to visitors. Improvements in each page’s content amount reduced page load times and visitor bounce rates improves overall ranking. The new site met all their objectives and would be a valuable asset for many years.

Helping Our Client’s Manufacturing Website Stay Calibrated and Precise

In addition to creating a website that would stay relevant for many years to come, we also offer clients continued support if needed. As a leading Chicago Web Design Company, we make sure to train our clients on how to use their brand-new custom websites so they have full control over the content and can make changes as needed. This reduces reliance on third party support and puts them firmly in control of their website.

When clients decide to update or make additions to their site our team is able to quickly and easily build on the custom code we’ve already created our adjust any current processes as needed. Many of our clients return again and again to Idea when they seek new features, updates, or a complete website refresh. They know that with our simple and efficient designs the changes can be made almost seamlessly, and will not result in future complications with their website.

If the situation arises where the client needs additional website maintenance support or troubleshooting our clients have direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Precision Gauge better manage their website. This dedicated support helps our clients become more confident in fixing site issues and less reliant on third-party support.

carmex logo

A World Renowned Lip Balm Manufacturer

Carmex is an internationally recognized lip balm brand that has been providing the world with chapstick and cold sore treatment for decades. As a family brand, Carma Labs cares deeply about their customers and employees. Currently operating in more than 50 countries and regions around the globe.

Project Details
"I was skeptical after other our other digital agency failed us over and over, but Idea has proven to be an exceptional partner for us."
Kristen Gourlie

Finding a Balm Solution to Our Clients Current Website Issues

We sat down with the Carmex team to discuss the scope of their current website concerns and what they were looking to achieve with our agency. The Carmex team explained they were hesitant to work with another agency after a previous poor experience and that they weren’t ready to commit to a full website redesign. We listened to their reservations and offered some options to address their current website issues. After several discussions and careful consideration, the Carmex team was confident that our solutions would meet their needs.

The team at Carmex explained that it was nearly impossible to make necessary small changes and updates to their current website. As Carmex continues to offer new products it was essential that their website menu reflected these new changes, something they couldn’t currently do. The website was bogged down with complicated functions and processes that made it difficult to manage and use the site.

The Carmex website was also experiencing a variety of bugs and other issues negatively affecting its performance, and customer experience. Our team would need to fix the broken parts of the website which included select pages, issues with navigation, and form submissions.

As part of the project the Carmex team also sought to update the look and feel of their site as much as would be possible without redesigning every page. They currently had several features and transitions on the site that were dated and no longer found in modern web design.

The final piece of the Carmex project would be assisting with the redesign of two essential website pages; the Home page and the History page. A new design and layout were needed for both that matched the current tone and style of the rest of the site while incorporating as much of a new modern feel as possible. Ongoing support and website maintenance were also necessary for the client as the site wasn’t a custom website build by Idea and therefore the backend was not simplified or structured for easy client control.

Applying A New Look For a Reinvigorated Website and Brand

This project would be different from many of the projects our team has completed in the past as we were not building a custom website for our client. Instead, we would be working with a website developed by another agency that was not built to the high standards and specifications of an Idea design. Our team would only be making repairs to a broken website. This would limit the scope of what we normally complete for our client projects but after careful analysis, our team of experts was confident we could fix the discussed issues and make our client’s site function again.

The first aspect of this project was to improve general website performance and fix the bug issues present. Our team of top web developers got to work removing faulty code and processes that were causing site errors. In this phase we addressed the issue that our client couldn’t update their menu, our fix would make it possible for our client to update their website menu as needed.

While updating and fixing bugs our team also worked to modernize the website processes. Outdated transitions and features that were slowing the site down were removed in favor of clean, clear modern navigation styles. The issue with form submission was resolved by integrating Zoho forms, which automatically categorizes submitted forms correctly. This integration greatly reduced the workload on the Carmex website management team.

Updating the website code and removing unnecessary or outdated functions vastly improved the overall website quality. Our team did everything possible to make the new website functionality as precise and simple as possible so management and the site processes would be more efficient. While these changes did improve the website speed, the site would need a complete overhaul in order to meet the page speed levels we require for our custom website builds.

Our team also designed a new Home page and History page for the Carmex team. Using their current site style we designed a new homepage prioritizing the user journey and site navigation. It features classic brand colors and highlights product offerings with a modern content carousel layout. A clear main menu is pinned at the top of the page with various topics that may interest site visitors. Upon hovering on menu options a drop down menu appears with further subcategories. A small sub-menu rests above the pinned main menu with contact options, FAQs, international info, and language options.

Both of the new Carmex site pages feature modern design and content that supports their image of a family-owned brand. Strategic use of the brand colors helps draw user attention to highlighted information or CTAs. For example, on the home page, a bright red Shop Now button is pinned to the lower left corner of the screen. And on the history page, red typography for the timeline events showcase the legacy of an established brand. At the bottom of the page, a bright red button reading Sign Me Up pushes users to join the Carmex newsletter.

Providing Carmex with Continued Support and Solutions

This project was ultimately very different from many past projects because we were working with a client website that we didn’t build and contained a variety of structural issues. While this did present unique challenges and limited what could be accomplished, our team was still able to deliver everything our client was looking for. Our website repairs and new integrations fixed the current issues and improved overall website health and functionality. Our new homepage maximizes the user experience through a modern user friendly design and vastly improves the navigation of the site. The history page displays the unique story of Carmex and establishes the legacy of their brand. Each page features important CTAs that drive users to action.

As part of this redesign project, we worked with the Carmex team to educate them on using the website now that edits and changes had been made to simplify its management. With the changes we committed the Carmex team would be able to make edits and updates as needed, something they hadn’t been able to do previously. The team was more firmly in control of their website and when they needed assistance or experienced issues they now had a team they could rely on for ongoing website support and maintenance.

As an Idea client Carmex has direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Carmex better manage its website. Our dedication to supporting our clients keeps them confident in managing their site and less reliant on third party support.

NAI logo

Cable Manufacturer Who Needed a New Marketing Strategy

NAI Group is an international manufacturer of custom wiring harnesses and assemblies for the medical technology, industrial technology, and telecom industries. NAI produces more than 2.5 million assemblies annually and employ over 3,200 personnel with locations around the globe.

Project Details
"This is the first company I've found that excels in both web development AND search marketing."
Steven Bork

Generating New Leads and Improved Search Engine Rankings with Strategic Blog and Social Media Content

Our team sat down with the NAI team to discuss the full scope of the project they had in mind. We take the time to truly understand each of our clients and what their specific needs are, and what current pain points they’re experiencing with their business. Through gaining a greater understanding of our client’s problems and future plans we can offer solutions that are more meaningful and specific. Understanding their long-term business goals allows our team to construct projects that will function as the base foundation for future projects and expansions.

The NAI team explained to us that they were looking to invigorate their digital marketing strategy and presence. When they began discussing their project their page was driving virtually no online leads. Inbound and leads are critical components in the success of manufacturing marketing strategy for industrial companies. They needed a new site that would leverage their product quality, experience, and creative content to generate lead conversion.

As part of the reinvigoration of their online presence, NAI also wanted Idea to spearhead their website marketing efforts. They wanted to create engaging social media posts to connect with today’s evolving audience, an estimated 82% of US citizens use social media. Creative, engaging content was another key element they discussed with us. Together, these and other specific tools Idea utilizes would unfold in the form of an online industrial marketing strategy to boost page rankings, traffic, and engagement with the NAI site.

As with all Idea Marketing Group clients, we developed a comprehensive strategy based on deep client research, competitor insights, and industry analysis. We knew that our expert team could deliver the results our client desperately needed. Our team laid out our project plan to address their digital marketing strategy. We included a potential future project of website improvement, something that would have a significant impact if implemented in tangent with current efforts.

A Multi-channel Marketing Strategy Drives Increased Website Traffic to Targeted Calls-to-Action

We began with analyzing their current marketing strategies and evaluating their page performance. Our top marketing professionals researched the keywords to maximize SEO in their industry and improve search engine results ranking. Using these terms we inserted them across the website content and other key focus areas that search engines evaluate, like Headings and Metatags.

Our next step was to create original, engaging content for Social Media channels. Using specific content our team implemented a cutting-edge social media strategy to grow our client’s base audience and reach across platforms. Our outreach strategy was to utilize an omni channel approach which included managing email campaigns to reach clients with important content, promotions, or information that would be relevant.

On the website itself, we began including relevant content to engage site visitors by creating original blogs and articles. Blog content allowed our client to educate their audience and showcase their unique products and quality. This new content not only provides on-site engagement but can be pushed or featured on additional sites that drive both SEO and additional web traffic.

Implementing the new digital marketing strategy NAI began to see a marked improvement in engagement and audience reach. They were ecstatic with the results and requested that we also include the additional website development project to generate maximum impact.

Our web development team analyzed the site and cleaned up the website process and functions to improve page speed and operations. The removal of outdated or simplification of overly complicated processes improves the website speeds, which improves ranking and user experience. We ensured the website would rank high in the areas of search engine evaluation to improve overall ranking, and give them an edge over competitors.

While working on our client’s website our team worked to simplify the process of making changes or edits to the website which put our client more firmly in control of their site. Our team would also provide continued support for their website making any changes or edits they requested. When the NAI team needed to make significant changes or edits they had 24/7 access to our professional team.

With the right combination of content development, website SEO improvements, and a social media strategy we were able to produce improved results from our client’s digital efforts. From 2016-2019, the NAI website received 10,391 new blog views and increases in website users (271%); new users (252%); website sessions (195%); and website pages viewed (142%).

Over a two-year period (during 2018 and 2019), the website saw 507 new form submissions. During the same period, the website earned first page Google ranking authority for 26 keywords where none previously achieved that level. Ranking high on search engine results is critical, and even a change in one place can have a drastic impact on traffic volumes. Over 90% of pages on google receive no traffic at all.

Providing Marketing Effort Support and Website Maintenance

Our strategy created success for our client because it was based on 10 years of experience in the industrial manufacturing B2B space. Our research was conducted in collaboration with the client to fully understand their place in the market to set goals for our efforts. These key insights allowed our team to craft custom solutions that make all the difference for our client. NAI continues to rely on Idea Marketing Group for marketing and website content, website support, and maintenance.

When NAI group needs additional support or maintenance the experts on our team are always available. All of Idea’s clients have direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help NAI Group better manage its website.

mirwec coating logo

Driving business for an industry leader with a custom website

MIRWEC Coating is a leader in the manufacturing industry sector of coating techniques. Founded in 2002 by Yoshinari Yasui as the US branch for Labo, the first-ever R&D Coating Research Center built in Japan. Labo is known to be the authority in coating techniques in Japan and has developed cutting edge coating techniques that make the impossible possible.

Project Details
"It was a pleasure working with everyone at Idea, because they are talented individuals who are professional, courteous and exceptionally nice."
Hiroko Mori

A Custom Manufacturing Website to Reflect the Precision and Quality of Mirwec Products and Services

At the beginning of every new project, our team of top web developers and marketers sit down with our clients to discuss the full scope of the project, including the goals, pain points, and project objectives, but also to fully understand our client and their business. With a better understanding of our client’s business and long term strategy, we can offer solutions that are more meaningful and that will integrate into future plans and projects by the client. Our team builds a strong foundation for the client’s future business strategies.

We started by analyzing the current issues our client had with their website and their business performance. Our client reported that with their current site they felt that it did not accurately reflect their level of quality and was outdated. For the redesign, they were looking for a site that felt modern and used key modern features, like mobile responsiveness and content overlays to provide site depth.

Essentially, the goal of this redesign was to create a website that functioned as MIRWEC’s online brochure. Their new site needed to showcase all the available services they offered and educate on its potential applications. With the vast amount of information and site content, it would be all too easy to overload customers with irrelevant or unnecessary information. Their content needed to be efficiently organized by topic that would be easily navigable for site visitors. Smart, intuitive organization was critical to help users find the information they desired without unnecessary distractions.

Finally, our team would look at how we could improve the overall usability and health of the website from a backend perspective. Our team would need to simplify website processes and remove any outdated functionality that was slowing the site down. Making sure the MIRWEC team could manage and control their new site would be essential to the project’s success

Creating a Clear and Navigable Site That Educated Potential Clients

We began this project by reorganizing the content found on MIRWEC’s previous site. Our team helped better categorize the content and clarify the topics to be displayed. While doing so our team also revamped the customer journey to make it as direct and simple as possible. By leveraging key website marketing tools our team gained a better understanding of MIRWEC customers’ behavior and using these key insights we designed the new website user journey.

When users land on the new MIRWEC homepage they’ll immediately notice the large image with a text overlay that clearly communicates the main focus of the website, providing the highest quality coating for advanced technologies. Above this main message, users will quickly notice the navigation menu with the main website categories like Services, Tech, FAQs, About, and more. Upon hovering over these navigation options a drop-down menu will appear with additional related categories, topics, and services. This categorized and compact menu allows users to locate their topic of interest and keeps the page from having too much content displayed.

With the new site organization users are always within a few clicks of finding the information relevant to their search. Each navigation leads only to related information of the selected topic. Through this improvement in the organization of the navigation, we prevent the cognitive load from being too high on users. This in turn reduces the bounce, or exit rate, of site visitors which ultimately improves the website page ranking evaluation by search engines. The new site focuses on quick, easy navigation to the answers or information that users are looking for.

To further strengthen the user journey our team worked to integrate important CTAs and key forms that would generate inbound leads, something every manufacturing client is looking to do. As users navigate the site content they will notice the options to explore topics or products are either highlighted in the bright blue of the MIRWEC branding or use of blue text to create a clear visible link. At the bottom of each page, we pinned a contact form that encouraged users to reach out with questions or requests. The use of these CTA’s and contact forms encourage users to explore content MIRWEC wanted to highlight and drove user conversion to leads.

While adding the site content and building each page our expert website marketers researched the SEO key terms and phrases that were relevant to our client. By integrating these terms in the content and page structure we improved our client’s website page ranking.

Our backend development team worked to simplify the site backend control and removed site processes that were slowing down the site performance. With an updated backend the MIRWEC team could better manage their website and make adjustments as needed. The site was also updated to a completely responsive design, displaying correctly for mobile or tablet users. By improving key factors like site functionality, speed, and responsiveness we are able to further improve the website page ranking.

Training Our Client to Maximize Utilization of Their Industrial Website

Our team of experts was able to create a website that functioned as the online brochure that MIRWEC wanted with a cutting edge modern feel that reflected the quality and sophistication of their products and services. The new site was better organized and created a direct user journey that was simple to navigate. Site visitors could now easily find the information they were interested in and through the implementation of effective CTAs and submission forms, we drove lead conversion across each page. Traffic would also receive a boost as the new site was built to be SEO optimized. With the new website design, more potential customers would discover the MIRWEC site, spend longer engaging with the content, and a higher rate would convert to leads.

When the project was completed our work didn’t stop there. We take the time to train our clients on obtaining the most value from their new site by educating them on how to use it to its full potential. Making sure our clients are confident in their ability to manage their new site is crucial to long term success. By empowering the MIRWEC team to manage their website backend they can control site content and make changes as needed without being reliant on third party support that is both costly and time consuming.

When clients need additional website maintenance support or troubleshooting they always have direct access to our incredible customer support manager Haley Langer. Seriously, just read her Google Reviews. Haley is happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When she’s not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training resources to help our clients utilize their best business asset, their custom manufacturing website.

inplex logo

Unique Manufacturing Website for Custom Tubing Products and Services

Inplex Custom Extruders, LLC is a privately owned company that began in 1967, producing a large catalog of products for a variety of markets, including but not limited to, general packaging for food and non-food industry, construction, industrial, medical, electrical, oil & gas and motor vehicles.

Project Details
"Custom designed plastic extrusions that exceed expectation."

Building a New Website to Increase Inbound Leads and Showcase Unique Products

Our team of expert website marketers and web developers sat down with the Inplex team several times to ensure that we understood the scope of the project and the client goals, and equally importantly that we understood their business and long term business goals. By taking the time to truly understand our customers we can offer meaningful solutions that our clients may not have even known were possible. Understanding their business goals was critical in creating solutions that would move our client in the right direction and position them for success.

Inplex also sought to improve the overall layout and design of their current sites. Essentially the website functioned as their online brochure to showcase their wide range of unique, specialized products to visitors. They needed a site that customers would understand and be able to easily navigate and locate their desired products or information. With a large product and service library it would be all too easy to overload potential customers with unnecessary or overwhelming amounts of information, which would lead to customers exiting the site. These exits are recorded by search engines as a ‘bounce rate’ and negatively affect your website ranking in a serious way.

Their team explained that they operated two brands, Injectorplex and Inplex, which offered distinctly different services but were still generally related. Injectorplex can replace stainless steel oil and gas injection tubing, the result was economical; easy convertibility, longer life-cycle, lower material cost, and greater profit potential. Inplex provides quality custom plastic tubing, plastic coating and jacketing, and custom plastic profiles to your exacting specifications. They needed both brands to stand out to customers and attract more traffic. Most importantly, they needed to begin capturing additional lead information that they were currently missing.

Additionally, they wanted to start hosting more content and highlight their features and products through this creative content. They sought to maintain their position as experts in their product field and wanted to convey this knowledge to their potential customers through educational resources and articles. This also was part of their goal to improve website ranking and SEO.

Merging Sites to Offer Easy Navigation and Lead Generation

After discussing their goals and pain points with their current website design we got to work putting together a project that would make our client’s website an asset instead of a concern. We proposed a design that would integrate their two brands, Injectorplex and Inplex, into one site that would still retain the distinctness of the brands while improving the searchability of their site; reducing the effort needed to maintain the two sites. With one site hosting the brands we could simplify the backend processes so the Inplex team could easily make changes as needed and would only need to manage one website. Notably, this also would help the website rank better as all traffic would now be driven to a single domain, instead of splitting their traffic as before.

Our top web designers began building the custom WordPress site with improved page speeds and navigation as a chief priority. Our team reduced unnecessary code that was simultaneously slowing their website down which negatively affected page ranking, and was making it difficult for their team to manage. With the previous complicated website management system, even simple changes that should take minutes could take hours or days! We removed any unnecessary functions to speed up the page and make it simple to use for the Inplex team, making them less dependent on third party support.

Our focus on the user journey began with organizing the site’s content into easily navigable pathways that would reduce cognitive load on the user by fewer distractions and unnecessary content. A simpler user journey would enable users to find their desired result more directly and would subsequently reduce the number of site bounces by a significant amount.

On the new site homepage, users would find a simple hamburger menu that expanded to show the library of services and product topics offered. Users could then select an area of interest that would lead them to a new page with descriptions of the service or products and the options available. Users could also browse the broad different topics directly from the homepage and make a selection.

Injectorplex was highlighted on the homepage as well (and available in the hamburger menu), and as users scrolled they would notice a quick infographic that showcased the main industries served by Inplex. Just below this the blog and article content was highlighted to encourage users to further engage with the site.

While creating this new website design we also introduced additional methods to capture leads and drive conversion for Inplex. On the center of the homepage we inserted a distinct button reading ‘Download Brochure.’ When customers click the button they are required to enter their email before downloading. When customers navigate deeper into the site and select a product they’re interested in they land on the product page, and just below the description, they find a contact form encouraging visitors to submit their info for questions, specifications, or quotes.

Our use of forms and distinct buttons are all part of the lead capture strategy we prioritize for all manufacturing clients. Inbound leads are the most desirable form of leads available. We carefully choose Call To Action (CTAs) items to use across the site that draw user attention and encourage them to, like the name, take action. We used the bright green of the Inplex website branding to highlight these buttons from the other site content.

In addition to building a custom website that offered a complete backend overhaul and new improved user experience, we also continued to work with Inplex supporting their marketing efforts. As a full-scale digital agency, our marketing team works closely with Inplex to create content and additional campaigns as needed to increase brand awareness. This highlighted content is a critical component in the new site and helps customers build trust with their brand, gain insight, and from a page ranking perspective increases site engagement. Search engines consider page engagement rates as an important factor in determining the value and ranking of websites across the internet.

Providing Resources and Support for Our Client Moving Forward

We produced a high-quality, modern website that would host both brands in a simple, manageable platform for the Inplex team. The move and simplification would reduce long page load speeds, which would improve page ranking and drive increased traffic amounts to the site. Our overhaul of the website user journey and site organization kept users engaged with the site longer and directed them where they needed to go. Our use of forms and CTAs generated the valuable inbound leads Inplex desired.

Our team made sure to provide the Inplex team with the resources and training on their new custom web design so that they were confident in their ability to operate their new site. They would no longer be dependent on third party support for simple changes and could easily adjust their site as needed. Ensuring our clients are confident and knowledgeable on using their new website is a critical component of a successful redesign. The best website is useless if your team is unable to properly use its features or make changes.

If our client needs additional website maintenance support or troubleshooting all of our clients have direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Inplex better manage its website. Our dedication to supporting our clients keeps them confident in managing their site and less reliant on third party support.

Raptor Tech Logo for Idea Marketing Group Manufacturing Marketing Case Studies

Combining Two Nationally Recognized Brands Into One

Raptor Tech Inc is a nationally recognized, family-owned and operated manufacturer of Steel Crane Mats, Outrigger Pad Rack, Raptor Crane Shoe, and more. Raptor Tech operates as one of the leading heavy equipment manufacturers in the USA.

Project Details
"Absolutely the best crane mats in the world."

Finding the Right Design for Our Clients Project

Our first priority with the new Raptor Tech project was to fully understand the goals of our client and to truly gain insight into their business. A better understanding of our client’s business and the long term goals they have allows us to present more meaningful solutions that fit into future plans and move our client closer to the end goal. With their long term goals and short term problems in mind, we build a base structure that becomes the foundation of future expansion.

We discussed the current state of their websites and what they hoped to achieve with their new redesign. As with most of our manufacturing clients, their website needed to function as an online brochure that displayed their product catalog in a digestible manner and drive online traffic to their website with built-in tools to leverage lead conversion. This site would need to assist their site visitors in finding the products that interested them and prevent them from quickly exiting, causing a high bounce rate that negatively impact site ranking by search engine algorithms.

After listening to the list of issues and objectives we suggested that our client consider creating a single site that would host both of their brands in a neat, efficiently organized manner that would increase online traffic and simplify the management of their website. The single site would feature modern design and emphasis on a user first navigation with tools that would allow users to find desired product info faster and easier. The client agreed to our suggestion and our team got to work.

Merging Two Distinct Sites Into One Navigable, Engaging Website

Our team began by migrating the two different websites onto one simplified platform. We suggested this for two main reasons. One, a single site would significantly reduce the workload of website management and eliminate the complications of managing two different websites. With both sites hosted on one platform, our client could manage them both at once and make changes to either without needing to duplicate new edits or features. This also sped up our development process as coding one site is much faster than two, ultimately saving our client money.

The second reason for merging the two websites was to increase the page SEO and ranking, which would, in turn, improve the website traffic rates that our client had requested previously. With both brands on a single site, the traffic would be doubled instead of being split between two sites. This increases the value of the site in search engine rankings which improves the ranking, meaning even more online users find the site in search results. Now our client only needed to focus on improving one site’s SEO instead of two. The client wouldn’t need separate PPC campaigns and a singular campaign would drive traffic even more efficiently.

The single site would also function efficiently as the two brands were closely related and there was a significant overlap in keywords and phrases. This density of search terms and relevant content would maximize the site’s SEO. A single site vastly improved the site’s page ranking, visibility and simplified management of the new website compared to previously.

The new site was designed with a modern layout that neatly organized the website content and the services of the two brands. The main menu showcases the two main offerings of their business, Steel Crane Mats and Raptor Solutions for the heavy equipment industry. As users navigate they find relevant information and solutions for the topic they choose to explore.

Aside from designing the site with the user navigation in mind, our team used content, colors, and CTAs to assist the user journey and drive visitors to action. When hovering over the main menu or content cards the clean, black text will highlight the bright orange of the Raptor Tech brand drawing attention. In the main menu and content cards, users will discover bright orange CTA buttons encouraging users to learn more about specific products or the Find Your Mat button pinned on the main menu.

A key feature of the redesign that our team implemented was the Find Your Mat search function. Our team designed this feature to enable site visitors to quickly and efficiently search the vast variety of mat options available. Clients wouldn’t need to search through irrelevant information but could type in their query and get immediate results. When clients had questions or needed more information they’d find more contact options available throughout the site. Our team inserted forms and contact options within each solution or product that would generate increased inbound leads for our client.

Providing Continued Support and Resources to Maintain the New Clients Site

Through careful planning and design, our team produced a new website that met all of our client requests and exceeded expectations. A single platform made website management significantly easier, increased traffic, improved SEO, and would continue to improve the website page rankings. The clean modern design echoed the high quality professional grade products and services that Raptor Tech offered, and most critically was built with an emphasis on the customer journey. The neat organization and new custom Find Your Mat function enabled customers to quickly find the information relevant to them. Increased number of forms and CTAs help focus visitor attention, lead them where they need to go and drive them to submit their info. These submissions are the critical inbound leads Raptor Tech needed to increase.

The new Raptor Tech site is visually spectacular and gives our client a clear edge over their competitors. As part of our client focus, we take the time to educate and provide resources on maximum utilization of their new website. Ensuring that our clients understand how to properly operate their site gives them the confidence to maintain their site and make changes or edits as needed. This reduces our client’s reliance on third party support and allows them to quickly make changes rather than wait for a response.

When our clients need additional support or need maintenance from the experts our team is always available. All of Idea’s clients have direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Raptor Tech better manage its website.