Idea sunset mockup

Sunset MonaLisa Website

Hospitality Web Design in International

The Sunset Mona Lisa is an Italian and seafood restaurant located in Los Cabos, Mexico along the Bay of Cabo San Lucas.

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Custom Built WordPress Website

The Sunset Mona Lisa enlisted in Idea Marketing Group’s help to design a new website. The developers and designers at Idea Marketing built a mobile-friendly website with strong SEO features and a clean and visually appealing layout. The new website has brought guests into the restaurant and ranks well in major search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing.

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Dinner with a View

The Sunset Mona Lisa is a popular place to host weddings and corporate events. Many people are attracted to this restaurant’s captivating atmosphere, beautiful views, and delicious menu. As the most sought-after restaurant in Los Cabos, Sunset Monalisa has earned international acknowledgment and reviews from celebrities, and food critics. Located at the tip end of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico, overlooking the Bay of Cabo San Lucas, Sunset Monalisa guests enjoy the culinary adventure, along with the views.

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