We Think You’ll Be Much Happier With a WordPress Website.

The software available to manage a web presence currently is truly a modern marvel of technology and digital engineering. And although there are a vast number of solutions out there to manage web content, we use only one — WordPress.

Idea Marketing Group is a WordPress shop. Meaning, all of the websites that we build and help manage are built using the WordPress platform. WordPress is by far the most popular website platform in use today with over 74.6 million websites depending on it. (source)

That is an impressive number and all, but why is it so great? Here’s why…

Open Source Code

WordPress is an open source CMS (Content Management System). Open source simply means the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design, free of charge. Tens of thousands of talented people have made contributions to make WordPress into the exceptional software it is today. There is a core team of developers that lead the project development, but anyone can contribute patches, report bugs, or suggest features.



WordPress is engineered to be as easy to use as possible. You don’t have to be a technical genius to learn how to use WordPress. We tell our clients: if you know how to edit a Microsoft Word document, then you’ll easily be able to update the content on your WordPress site. In fact learning to edit content, post new pages, add photos and images may even be easier than using MS Word.

Templates and Themes

There are WordPress themes created for just about anything you can think of. Photographers, ecommerce, restaurants – the list goes on and on. But at Idea Marketing Group, we don’t use templates. We custom design all of our WordPress sites from scratch based on the client’s needs and goals.

Once the design is approved, we code the site and handle implementation and customization of any required WordPress plug-ins, including those which maximize search engine optimization. For our clients, this allows us to create something around their needs rather than force them into a a themed mold.


You can make changes or add content to a WordPress site from any computer in the world, provided you have an Internet connection and a browser. There is never the need for additional software. And you can even make edits to your site from your smartphone! (however, we don’t recommend this method for large edits). WordPress also has the capability to restore a page to a previous version. In the event someone makes too many edits and you lose valuable information, you can simply restore the page to a previous version and all the content will be back.


A text-only website can get very boring very quickly. You’ll need to engage your visitors with relevant photos, graphics, and videos. All of these are easy to manage, import, and use, thanks to WordPress’s impressive Media Library. Building a professional-looking photo gallery is just as easy, and you can do it without knowing a single line of code.

Why WordPress Wins As The Best Marketing Website Platform

Multi-User Capability

WordPress offers multi-user capability so that larger companies can offer editing power exclusivity or even read-only mode to others. WordPress allows certain privileges to be applied to specific users so they only have access to posting content, and therefore are not able to mess around with the functional side of the site. Since each user has their own login, you can see which user made the latest changes and/or updates.

Benefits of Getting Professional WordPress Web Design

Powerful Blogging Engine

WordPress started as a blogging platform. Although it’s grown far beyond that to a fully-functional website platform, it hasn’t forgotten its roots. Your website is only going to survive if the content on it is fresh and relevant. The blogging engine built into WordPress allows you to easily update your company’s blog (or ‘News/Events’ section), so that your clients or customers are always kept in the loop.

Ultimate in SEO Friendliness

The construction of WordPress code is consistent and streamlined (without excessive HTML code) that Google finds very inviting for indexing. Plus, with the right setup, you’re able to customize every page or post you make to ensure the highest probability of getting your pages ranked high in search results. And after all, isn’t that the whole point? You want your website found through organic search.

Search Engine Magnetism

The more often you post content, the more frequently those posts will attract Google robots and other search engines. The robots will search your entire site every day looking for new content and new pages and changes they can index. New pages get indexed in hours or even MINUTES when you commit to adding new content over time.

Benefits of WordPress

Since it was created, WordPress had dominated the CMS (Content Management System) market. From what we can tell, it isn’t going anywhere, either.

If you’re looking to redesign your company website, we can help build you a cost-effective and efficient WordPress website. All you have to do is complete this form to get started.