There are a variety of reasons that explain why having mobile-friendly websites are paramount in doing business. Over 70% of internet users prefer websites that are mobile-friendly with a responsive design and similarly, over two-thirds of mobile internet users say they won’t do business on a website that isn’t mobile device friendly. This paints a clear picture of the clientele you could be missing out on, simply by not having a website compatible with mobile devices.

Give Visitors the Information They Want – Websites that aren’t mobilized are pointless for internet searches from mobile devices. Looking at a desktop website from a mobile device appears cluttered and is an information overload.

Visitors need to see only vital information and be able to access it in as short an amount of time as possible. Visitors of mobile websites are most often looking for three main pieces of information; contact info, an address, and list of products/services offered. This means you should provide them the essentials, and with your contact information they can reach out to have any other questions answered.

Stay Current – Being that more people access the internet from their phones rather than computers today, customers expect to see mobile websites. If your company’s website shows up as the desktop version or not at all (as websites built on Flash do), they may be inclined to leave your page and do business with another company.

As the earlier stated statistic pointed out, visitors are inclined to leave un-mobilized websites and seek out other business pages that are mobile device compatible. Having a mobilized website lets your customers know your website and ultimately your business is current and is keeping up with the times.

Empowering customers to do business with you on-the-go opens your company to a significantly larger customer base. Keep the information to a minimum on your mobile website and be sure to keep it current, customers will notice.

Need any help with running and maintaining your website? At Idea, a Chicago web design agency, we can help you with a variety of customizable website maintenance and support plans. Let’s talk!