It is a question that every business needs an answer to. When is the best time to redesign a web site? Things move fast when it comes to the web. Some web sites seem to age in dog years—they appear old, fast.

Think about things this way. If your web site is more than two years old, there are things that were considered a luxury at that point, that are necessities now. Your site may simply look dated. Now, more than ever it is important to have a strong online presence. Here are a few things to consider.

Is your site falling out of favor with search engines? What worked well two years ago for ranking well in the search engines may not work now. You may need to freshen your content, and design approach. Search engines tend to favor fresh and active websites. A redesign may give you the ideal push!

Does your site show up well on iPhones or other mobile devices? The percentage of people with mobile devices is skyrocketing. People are going to be looking for information on mobile devices. If your website is not showing upright, you are missing out on a prime opportunity, and should look at making some changes.

Do you have links back to your social media accounts? If not, that is crucial to building a strong online presence. You should be encouraging your customer base to engage with you on Twitter and Facebook because it strengthens your brand.

Is your website built with tables or Flash? Some of the strategies web designers used in the past are not the best practices now. Sites built with tables or Flash can limit your capabilities and cripple your online presence. It’s time to spruce it up a bit.

Does your design simply look dated? Your customers can tell.  People are becoming more web-savvy. A strong online presence will only grow your customer base and strengthen your brand.

For a complete and honest evaluation of your website, contact our team of web designers and marketers at Idea Web Design.