As a business owner, do you know your target demographic? Are you aiming your product at men or women? How old are they, and what’s their race? Do you know what their interests are, or how they spend their time? The more detailed information that you know about your customer base, the easier it is to market to them.

It is what marketing campaigns are based on. This knowledge should play a strong role in deciding which social networks you want to use to market your business. These questions largely dictate how to reach your audience.

No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, chances are your customer base is entrenched somewhere in the social media landscape. It is growing more and more each day. When you find them and learn how to talk with them, great results are possible.

How to Navigate The Social Media Landscape

It is helpful to know that the landscape is still Facebook-dominated. Out of all social media users, 92 percent use Facebook, according to Search Engine Land. With more users than any other social media network, chances are your business’s demographic has a substantial showing on this social media giant.

There are other sites out there that will provide effective ways to meet your customers. Maybe your audience is business to business. LinkedIn is probably the top market for working professionals. But LinkedIn is male-dominated, and an older market. If your audience is more female-based, Twitter might be more your speed.

YouTube videos also provide a popular way to distribute content and get the word out about your business. The popular site that hosts videos is now the second largest search engine site on the web, behind only Google.

There are countless other social media sites out there that can help businesses. If you haven’t already, do a Google search for social media, and your industry. While they may have a smaller pond, they may have a more focused customer base.

Know who your customers are. If you are in the restaurant or retail business, do you know how your customers find you? Think about getting listings on websites such as Yelp. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your customers how they found you. Business to business? Don’t stop with LinkedIn or Twitter. There are smaller, industry-focused sites out there where you may find a more focused customer pool.

As you pick the sites that you want your company to be visible on, keep their demographic in mind. Know who your customers are, and how they look for your services.

Do you need more social media strategy assistance? Our award-winning web design agency in Chicago can help – get in touch for a free consultation today!