Every day we are bombarded with advertising and marketing messages. Some are loud and in your face, some are more subtle, perhaps even registering on a subconscious level. We are all influenced by this content, even seasoned marketers who can recognize the tactics being used. How then, does a brand stand apart from all the noise and differentiate their product or services from the competition?

Enter: Content Marketing.

Defined by the Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

Essentially, it’s a fancy way to say “storytelling”. It’s a way to communicate with your target audience without selling. So how does it set you apart?

Content marketing differs from traditional marketing because it delivers information that makes your buyer more intelligent.
Everyone appreciates knowledge that helps improve their lives. And you being the expert in your field, undoubtedly have something to teach. When you provide useful information through content marketing you will capture your audience’s attention and teach them something. When they recall this newfound knowledge, as it applies to their lives, they will ultimately remember YOUR brand. Success!

Content marketing offers a platform to effectively communicate your story to your target audience by creating relevant and engaging content.
Identifying who your target audience is and what content is relevant to them is the first step, and it’s a BIG one. Who uses your product and/or services? What do they want to learn? What have you learned over the years that has proven invaluable to your business? Determine the answers to these questions and start educating your audience. Identifying something simple, yet effective is a great place to start.

Successful content marketing causes a person to stop, read, and think, with the objective of changed behavior.
The goal of content marketing is to ultimately convert views into engagement and engagement into sales. By grabbing the attention of your target audience and providing them with valuable knowledge you start to gain their trust. You start to build the foundation of a meaningful relationship, a two-way conversation, that will engage them with your brand.

Now it’s time for you to start telling your story. Develop your voice and hone your point of view. React to the expressed needs of your target audience and educate them on what you know best – your business!

If starting your own content creation seems overwhelming, we’re here to help guide you through the process with our SEO and Content Marketing Services. Contact us today!