Case Study

A post-frame and pole barn material supplier came to us in February 2020, looking for some help with their organic social media marketing, but also assistance with digital advertising. Over the course of our partnership, Idea Marketing Group increased the company’s following on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram by 75% in less than a year.

Some highlights from the best-performing ads are below.

The Objective

Working With More Contractors & Builders in Neighboring States

The client specializes in post-frame and pole barn buildings and materials in the Central South and Southwest regions of the United States. They work with builders and contractors who want personalized and custom service. While the company has established relationships with many construction professionals, they wanted a new way to reach more contractors and builders.

Cultivating Relationships With Post-Frame and Pole Barn Contractors & Builders

The client wanted to reach more post frame and pole barn builders and contractors in the southern region of the United States. After consulting with our team, the client thought a great way to do that would be by advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

The Solution

Using a Video To Showcase What The Post-Frame & Pole Barn Supplier Specializes In

When deciding what type of content to use for the ad, our digital ads specialist consulted with the client for some b-roll footage of their team at work, and drone footage of their business. The caption we strategized was very clear to the point and stated what they specialized in.

Reach More Post-Frame & Pole Barn Builders Through Social Media Advertising

Our digital ads specialist created a promo video with clips of the Burrow’s team at work. We wanted to do some A/B testing with ads, to see if still images or short videos would work best on social media. Usually, videos work best on social media for advertising, but our team recommends testing both forms of content because, with different businesses, all content can perform differently.

The ad and client saw an increase in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 90,000 users and most of the audience was between the ages of 25 to 54. The client wanted to reach Facebook and Instagram users in the neighboring states, and cities they’ve worked in before.

The Objective

Reaching Truck Drivers in Neighboring Rural Towns To Join Their Fleet Team

The company strives to provide the best services to their contractors and builders, including transporting materials right to their job site. The client came to us and wanted to reach truck drivers who might have different vehicles that would be ideal to transport materials of all sizes.

Building a Fleet Team To Support Their Post-Frame Construction Supply Business

The client wanted to build their fleet team, by looking for more flatbed haulers. They thought a great way to do that would be to advertise on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

The Solution

Using a Social Media Image Ad to Promote Their Business To Truck Drivers

Our digital ads specialist created a graphic for the ad using a picture from the client’s website, and put their end goal clearly stated on the image. The caption of the ad was very clear and stated who exactly and the types of trucks they were looking for.

Finding Employees To Haul Their Supplies and Goods To Builders & Contractors Throughout the Southern States

The digital ads specialist consulted with the pole barn supplier to launch an ad that would see an increase in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 40,000 users.

Utilizing Facebook Ads For A Construction Material Supplier

The client and our team decided to target Facebook and Instagram users between the ages of 25 to 65, and most of our audience came from the 25-34 age range, reaching more men. The client wanted to reach people within a 50-mile radius of their headquarters. Due to the nature of our ad, Facebook flagged it as an employment ad, so the detailed targeting measures we tried to take were overpowered by Facebook.