Case Study

How We Increased Brand Awareness For A Popular Gymnastics Product 

A gymnastics equipment manufacturer came to us looking for some organic social media marketing help, along with digital advertising. Over the course of our partnership, Idea Marketing Group grew the company’s Facebook and Instagram following an extra 36.64% within just 8 months.

Two of the best-performing ads are below, with some of the analytics from both Instagram and Facebook.

The Objective

Growing Sales For A Popular Gymnastics Protective Wear

A gymnastics equipment manufacturer wanted to increase awareness and sales for a piece of protective wear as seen on Olympic athletes. The company was already well known for its protective equipment, but they wanted gymnasts at all levels to use their product as well.

Promoting a Nationally Recognized Manufacturer of Gymnastics Brand

The gymnastics equipment company created a video highlighting the features and benefits of the product and included clips of it in use. Footage of the accessory on gymnasts and the appropriate uses for them help athletes decide if they need the product. The video also explained what injuries the product can help prevent as well as how to wear it.

The video didn’t include any new footage of the product, it was all snippets from previous videos they had, but the driving point was evident. The client wanted to keep the video within brand standards and show their team and product.

The Solution

Growing Awareness For The Brand With Visibility & Clicks

The digital ads specialist at Idea Marketing consulted with the gymnastics company to create and launch a video ad to gain brand awareness. In the end, the ad saw an increase in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 500,000 users.

The client and our team decided to target Facebook and Instagram users between the ages of 13 to 65, with most of the ads reaching the age ranges of 25 to 54. We also saw the number of impressions on the ad was greater with men than women. With this ad, we were able to target social media users who were interested in the following: 

Social Media Advertising to Increase Brand Awareness and Gain Ambassadors for B2C Manufacturer
  • Floor (gymnastics)
  • USA Gymnastics
  • Cheerleading
  • Gymnastics
  • Cartwheel (gymnastics)
  • Handspring (gymnastics)
  • Vault (gymnastics)
  • Rings (gymnastics)
  • Tumbling (gymnastics)

The Objective

Wanting More Brand Awareness For Gymnastic Manufacturing Products

The gymnastics company was looking for more athletes to use their products and promote them on social media. They wanted gymnasts in their teenage years from around the country, and eventually international athletes as well.

Ambassadors Opening Branded Packages For Awareness

The gymnastics company wanted to showcase one of their brand ambassadors unboxing their package that included a t-shirt, product of their choice, gym bag, and other accessories. While the video had mentioned the brand and was promoting it, it wasn’t exactly in line with brand guidelines. The athlete was outside, unboxing her package, and the camera was far from the subject at times, but that’s what made it appealing to other gymnasts. They could see themselves in the athlete shown in the video. They felt connected to her.

We saw more engagement and video views from this content, rather than the video that was created by the manufacturer that included content from their other brand ambassadors. 

The Solution

Idea Marketing Group Helped Increase Brand Ambassador Applications

The digital ads specialist at Idea Marketing consulted with the gymnastics company to create and launch a video ad to invite young gymnasts to become brand ambassadors. In the end, the ad saw an increase in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 21,000 users.

Collectively, we targeted both Facebook and Instagram users who were between the ages of 13 to 65, but we saw the most engagement between ages 18 to 65. We also saw that more women interacted with this ad, whether it was just seeing the video and scrolling past, or watching it.

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