Tweaking Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch

Anyone who has been to a networking event has had to do it – the 30 second elevator pitch to promote your business, yourself, and entice the room to hire you instead of your 3 other competitors that are selling the same products and services. It is often the first impression future clients have of you and can influence not only their buying decision but also how they talk about you to their clients.

There are several key factors to make sure you stand out and are remembered – for the right reasons – with prospective clients so they call you the next time they need the products or services you offer.

What’s Your Business Advantage and How Can You Convey It Effectively?

We’ve all heard the “Hi, I’m John Smith from XYZ Insurance Company (Accounting Firm, Law Firm, etc.) and we offer…” followed by a laundry list of the products and services they offer. Great – we know what you offer, but why should we change our current carrier or even initiate a further conversation? There’s not motivation unless someone is in dire circumstances and even then, if a competitor is at the event with a more provocative pitch, they’re getting the business.

Instead, start with an approach such as “Hi, I’m John with XYZ Insurance Company. We provide better coverage at better rates and on average save our customers 20% on their insurance costs. I can save you money while improving your coverage.” What business owner or manager doesn’t want something better or to save money? Now you have more of their attention because you are directly addressing how you can benefit their business.

How to Target Your Audience

The first key to speaking to your audience is knowing your audience. Speaking to a group of C-level managers is different than speaking to a group of small business owners. Business owners have a vested interest in saving money, improving efficiencies, and increasing profit. C-level managers also have these interests but how the benefits are presented needs to be tweaked to speak to their more immediate needs.

This means you will need to have several different versions of your 30-second elevator pitch. Additionally, it is good to have a couple of different lengths of each version – a 60 second pitch, a 30-second pitch, a Twitter pitch to cater to the specific requirements of the situation.


How to Make an Elevator Pitch


Elements of The Perfect Elevator Pitch

When constructing your elevator pitch, ensure that it includes the following elements that will help you get your message across successfully. Your pitch should:

  • Mention who you are and what you do
  • Include why you are different and what unique approach you can contribute
  • Highlight your “why” – why you do what you do and for whom (what is the end goal of your mission?)
  • Showcase how you can benefit your constituents as a whole

Practice Your Elevator Pitch!

Throughout my career, I’ve heard the stories of sales people who put a mirror in front of their phone so when they’re cold calling or talking with clients on the phone, they are looking at themselves and making sure their body language is in tune with their words. Now, that’s a commitment to success!

Practicing your 30-second elevator pitch will give you the opportunity to do just that – ensure that your message gets delivered with the desired intent. I have a habit, not even necessarily a nervous habit of playing with one of my rings. I do it when I talk, when I’m thinking about what to write next, when I’m driving. It’s a habit.

However, when I’m giving my 30-second elevator pitch, if I’m playing with my ring the whole time I’m doing it, I come across as nervous or lacking in confidence in what I’m presenting. By practicing my various 30-second elevator pitches, and noticing my ring playing, I’m able to consciously remove that habit while giving the pitch. It comes across with confidence both in my skills and how my company’s services can benefit you.

30 second pitches only last 30 seconds but take time to tweak and perfect into the impactful message that resonates with your target audience. By taking the time to adjust and practice your 30 second pitches to reach your target market, your business will not only be called but also talked about.

Need more help with your marketing? At Idea Marketing Group, we have helped hundreds of businesses and institutions perfect their branding and grow their lead generation. Let’s talk!