One great thing about food and beverage brands is the universal appeal these products enjoy. Everyone has a list of favorites from both categories. The bad news is the flip side of all that popularity. Your beverage brand might have the potential to become the next best thing since flavored seltzer, but it’s just going to sit in the warehouse if you aren’t able to generate some buzz when selling online. 

Here’s the encouraging news: If you can master just three basic techniques for getting your food or drink brand the attention it deserves, you’ll be well on the path to success. There’s no magic formula, but as long as you have a deep understanding of your target audience and an authentic enthusiasm for your brand, and you’re willing to put in a few hours at the keyboard, you’re sure to see results in terms of product awareness and sales. 

That being said, let’s look at the top marketing practices that beverage brands should focus on when selling online!

1. Create Some Social Buzz Around Your Brand

Did you know that nearly 40% of social network users say they use social media to research brands, products, or services before making a purchase? Don’t let those searches come up empty. Food and beverage brands are especially well-suited for Instagram, for example.

As marketing guru Neil Patel says, “Instagrammers are shoppers.” Instagram users also love food and drink posts. In fact, 43% of Instagrammers (or nearly 500 million users) indicate an affinity for food and drink posts, according to Facebook IQ data. 

Top 3 Things Beverage Brands Need To Do When Selling Online

When it comes to social media, you can do a lot with your brand without spending a dime. Take some time to put down some social media roots before investing too much in paid posts or ads. Here are a few approaches to keep in mind:

  1. Engage with your followers. Respond to comments, answer questions publicly, and tag users back when they tag you.
  2. Develop a recognizable posting “voice” for your product, one that meshes with the overall aesthetic of your brand. (Don’t take a fun-loving approach if you’re trying to sell a high-end single malt, for example.)
  3. Post regularly. The Google algorithm will reward you on search results pages, and your posts will keep appearing in your follower’s feeds. 

2. Make Smart Digital Advertising Investments

Before you break the seal on your digital advertising budget, make a strategic plan. Most importantly, identify your goals. If your intent is mostly to drive brand awareness, focus on ads that help you attract more followers. On the other hand, if your goal is more focused on conversions, you’ll want to take a different approach. 

One of the most effective ways to settle on an advertising approach is to conduct some market research. How are similar brands displaying their digital ads? Are they being rewarded with engagement? What are they getting wrong? Each social network offers a variety of options for advertising on its platform. You can also start with Google ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages. 

3. Leverage Your Brand Website

Your brand’s website should tell the compelling, exciting story of your brand, and ideally, entice visitors to make a purchase. While your page should be as unique as your product, there are a few universal design elements you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Create clear, simple navigation buttons and links.
  • Keep your brand front and center — it should be immediately obvious on your homepage who you are and what you’re offering.
  • Keep your brand voice consistent with your social media and other online personas.
  • Tell and show — marry some great photos of your product with fantastic copy that gets visitors hooked. 
  • Make it easy for customers to make a purchase or to find out where your brand can be found.
  • Consider investing in custom website design services — your website is a critical element of your overall branding.

At Idea Marketing Group, We’re Here To Help!

Idea Marketing Group can help you propel your dream from “this idea I have” to a huge success, on your terms, and in your own voice. We can tell you why your website isn’t generating conversions, what you’re missing on social media, and where you should invest your advertising budget. Reach out today!