4 Tips For Posting on Twitter

Whenever you are tweeting, keep these four simple but exceptional tips for posting on Twitter in mind. Enjoy!

1. Add a Visual Element

A picture is worth a thousand words and in this scenario, that is exactly what a Twitter image is providing. With 140 characters, adding an infographic or a fun image related to the topic at hand can help draw in your audience and describe the message you are trying to get across. There is a vast amount of clutter that acts as a downfall for all social media mediums. As most Twitter users know, our feeds are constantly loaded with sometimes, irrelevant content. However, we are more likely to engage with a post when there is something to look at.

2. Be Important

Quality over quantity. Post when posting is needed. As mentioned previously, clutter on social media is a prominent issue. If your tweets flood the news feed of your followers, you may lose them. However, if your posts are meaningful and provide some type of benefit to your audience, then you are tweeting with purpose. Always post relevant and important content. Your tweets should be the ones your followers look forward to!

3. Engage

Tweet others how you would like to be tweeted. Cliché, but hey… so true! As a Twitter account facilitator, whether for personal, business, club, or organization use, everyone hopes for engagement on their posts. Whether that be favorites, re-tweets, quoted re-tweets, or comments, an alarm on your notifications tab is always an enjoyable sight to see. In return, make your followers feel special. If someone comments, favorite it or respond back. Follow your followers and establish a relationship while building trust. Communication is key!

4. Utilize Twitter Analytics

I am going to post while my target audience is sleeping – said noone ever. To be effective on twitter, you need to tweet smart! Log into www.analytics.twitter.com to browse the progress and status of your twitter profile. See what times certain tweets were a hit, and what times certain tweets got little to no engagement. Use this information to learn what times of the day posting is most effective for your account. If you are seeking engagement, it only makes sense to send your tweet when the greatest number of your target audience is scrolling through their feed. Utilize your free resources!

Check out these Twitter tips in action at @IdeaMktg.

These Twitter tips are useful for small business Twitter accounts, organization Twitter accounts, corporation Twitter accounts, and personal Twitter accounts. Basically, if you plan to tweet, keep these in mind! Need assistance with your Twitter account? Idea is a full service digital marketing company, and we’re here to help.