When was the last time your business’ website was redesigned? If it’s been more than a few years, now is definitely the time.

Google announced in late 2015 that more than half of all Internet searches now are conducted on mobile devices. Along with that news, Google also revealed that to provide the best user experience possible, they would start to limit search results for websites that are not mobile friendly.

What does that mean for small to mid-size businesses with outdated websites that don’t provide a mobile-friendly user experience? It means your website will be pushed further and further down in Google search results. If your outdated page previously ranked near the top in search results, it’s highly likely you will be relegated to the second or third page.

So, what constitutes a mobile friendly design? According to Google, mobile-friendly sites  make completing common tasks easy for customers. Sites that use the same URL and code across all platforms, allowing for the display to adjust according to screen size is another indication of mobile friendly design. If your customers are flipping, pinching or pulling their screens on their mobile devices to read your text, it’s highly likely your site is not mobile friendly.

When Is It Time to Redesign Your Website?Chicago web design company Idea Marketing Group helps small to medium-size business reverse that trend. All our websites are built on the mobile-friendly WordPress platform, ensuring that all our clients perform their best in all search engines.

In addition to mobile friendly sites, Google also is placing a heavy emphasis on sites that are regularly adding new authoritative content. That means refreshing your site with new blogs and additional landing pages has become even more important. Idea’s WordPress platform sites make content management a breeze, making updating your site a task you want to do rather than a time-consuming chore.

More and more a business’ website is the face of the company. Outdated or non-mobile responsive design can and will cause you to lose increasing amounts of business. Contact Idea Marketing Group today for an evaluation of your current site and a website update consultation.