Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, MySpace, Google Plus+, DeviantArt, LiveJournal, Tagged, Orkut, CafeMom, Ning, Meetup, myLife, and even Ask.fm our all popular social media sites on the web today. Businesses invest valuable time in maintaining and updating their profile on these platforms and it can be a challenge to think of the perfect post to engage your followers.

When you do a simple Google search you can find 100’s of articles on: The Art of Writing Great Facebook Status Updates, The Best and Worst Times to Share on Facebook, Twitter, and A Simple Plan for Writing a Powerful Blog Post in Less Than 2 Hours. Companies use these sites to construct a great post and to send it out at the right time — but many stop there.

By stopping they miss the opportunity to make valuable interactions with their fan base. Many people that are a part of your fan base will see your post, but your goal should be to have interactions with them. For example when you get new followers on Twitter why not give them a shout-out? Just to say thanks, and this gesture alone could go a long way. If someone likes your post, you can then PM them and thank them for their support of your business.

Just by taking the extra step and putting forth the enough to interact with your fan base has some great positive outcomes for your business:

It Sets You Apart – Not many companies can/do respond to everyone that likes, messages, or comments, but when you do, people take notice.
It Makes You More Sociable – By responding you show your customers you are paying attention to their needs and aren’t just jumping online to post with your fingers crossed for a lead.

Your goal on any Social Media Platform shouldn’t be to post every day. It should be to make interactions every day! Respond to Fans, Be Personable, Answer Questions and be a source of knowledge for everyone that follows your company. If you can befriend your fans, you can be there when they are ready to buy. Plus, they will be more likely to recommend you in the future.

So start today by interacting with your fan base and engaging them!

If you need any more help with your social media strategy and ads, we are a Chicago website design agency that can help with any need social. Let’s talk!