Custom Web Solution for B2B Promotional Company by Idea Marketing Group
Case Study

Show Your Logo is an established and trusted brand that distinguishes itself in a highly competitive $20 billion dollar industry. 

If you can think of it, they can print on it. Show Your Logo (SYL) specializes in creating custom promotional products for your business. From cutting boards to Jenga blocks and everything in between, the SYL team can advertise your business by putting your business logo on it.

Show Your Logo has created a well established and trusted brand within a 20 billion dollar a year industry. They have accomplished this by providing quality products and customer service. In addition, they offer other services to complement their promotional logo business like free design pro help to improve your logo. 

The SYL team noticed their traffic was stagnating and that their site wasn’t delivering a premium user experience as it should. They decided to contact a leading Chicago web design company to assist them, Idea Marketing Group. Our experience in web design and brand marketing would help them take a different approach to correct their issues.

The Objective

A direct user journey on an easy to use, responsive website

Our custom web design team and expert web marketers met with the SYL team to discuss the scope of their issues and what would be key to the project’s success. Client satisfaction is our number one priority. After brainstorming and carefully reviewing our client’s pain points we were ready to begin the project.

The first issue that our client was experiencing is a common issue for many websites, the lack of SEO optimization and its negative impact on page ranking. When your site doesn’t appear on the first page of search results you’re potentially missing out on thousands of traffic clicks. Our client wanted a website that was optimized for search engine results and would get their page in front of a larger audience.

Another issue that our client discussed with our team was the overall experience of their website users. Their website, while good, left a lot of opportunities for improvement that would keep users engaged on the page and ultimately lead to more sales. Users typically decide whether a website is good or bad within the first few fractions of a second into the interaction. If the first impression is negative users are less likely to use, recommend or trust the site, the opposite also holds true. We would need to ensure that the site was simple to use, pleasant, and created a positive impression during the user experience.

Part of improving the user experience included addressing the user journey. Website visitors usually have a reason for visiting the site, that could be to view product selection, get a quote, or make a purchase for example. Part of the formula to a great user experience is to make it simple, obvious, and easy for users to find what brought them to the page. If a site is confusing or makes finding things difficult it will likely lead to customers becoming frustrated and leaving the site. This costs potential sales but also increases the bounce rate which hurts the website rankings we mentioned earlier.

The final objective we discussed with the SYL team was designing a site that ultimately led to an increase in user conversions, i.e. website sales. We needed to create a site that would lead a greater number of users to place orders. This would include fixing the previous pain points with the user experience and using marketing tools and strategies to make users take action. Our team had built numerous websites in the past and was confident that our previous B2B web design experience would enable us to create a top performing website.

The Solution

Increasing traffic and driving sales with custom web design

We began building a custom site using WooCommerce that would improve site functionality and simplicity of use for our client. Our website developers created custom features like an importer tool that converts products from a client-supplied Excel spreadsheet into WooCommerce product types and converts each product to a dynamic page. This intuitive feature creates efficiencies that reduce the time the SYL team spends on updating inventory offerings. Our in-house web development team also created custom client portal pages for quick reference and reorder.

Our web developers also worked on the front end, building a search function that allowed advanced search filters so customers could more easily find the product(s) that interested them. We continued the user features improvement process with an additional quick quote feature that could be used from any of the single product pages. Another feature we included was the ability for clients to upload their own artwork.

To address page ranking and lack of SEO optimization our web marketing team provided keywords and phrases that would optimize the site. Our web developers implemented meta tags and improved site speeds to improve the SEO and page ranking. We also ensured the website was responsive, meaning it was mobile and tablet friendly. Their page would now perform well in the categories evaluated for SEO and search engine page rankings.

Next, our expert website marketing team used their knowledge of best practices to improve the overall user journey and website experience. We began improving the user experience. In the web interface, design images are highly supportive in setting the mood or messaging. Engaging photos can easily catch the user’s attention and support the general stylistic concept of building visual hierarchy and making the content copy easier to read in combination with photos. Product images convey how the finished results would look and help set customer expectations. 

We continued to organize the site using images and collapsible navigation tools that reduced the amount of distracting content. This led users where they needed to go more quickly and directed them to paths that would result in action items. As part of the user navigation, we implemented several clear Call To Action (CTA) buttons throughout the website. These actionable items included “Quick Quote,” and “Shop All Products” buttons that drive users to desired actions. We created internal consistency by using the same colors and style for CTAs throughout the website so users would quickly and easily discern them.

Implementing these CTAs and simplified user journeys greatly improved the overall website experience and functionality. Users could now find desired products and information with ease, keeping them on the site. By highlighting and leading users to desired actions they’d convert to customers more easily. 

Our consistent approach to web design user experience leads to improvements in the SYL website through:

  • Interface easier to learn for new users
  • Fewer errors occur as users are less confused by site
  • Reduces cognitive load on users
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Consistency supports a strong brand image for websites.

Post-Launch Website Support

Maintaining the website and educating our client 

Our web development and web marketing team worked to build a site that fixed every issue our client had reported. The new site was simpler to use, improved SEO, built to funnel website traffic to conversion and much more. We know what it takes to build the best in consumer-facing websites and B2B web design.

Our account management program provides continued technical support as needed to ensure our client gets maximum use from their new website. If issues arise our team is there to offer support and guidance as client satisfaction is always a chief priority. After completing the project our client contact Don had this to say,

“Most companies don’t have the willingness to put their own hearts into their work, Idea gives that added personal touch, if you want to work with somebody that you trust and somebody who is going to think about what they can do to help you.”

– Don Forsell

In addition to website maintenance support, our team provides all of its clients with our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs, she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Show Your Logo better manage their website. This dedicated support helps our clients become more confident in fixing site issues and less reliant on third-party support.