Every season is the perfect time to get to those things that may have been pushed to the back burner or slipped through the cracks. When it comes to your business, one of those things may very well be your social media profiles.

Updating your company’s social media may see like a low-priority item on your never ending task list, but it should definitely be moved up to the top. Why? Because we live in a digital age where social media is one of the primary forms of communication. In 2021, there were 4.48 billion social media users and an average person engaged with approximately 6 social media platforms.

That’s why businesses across the globe are utilizing these platforms to connect with their target audience and gain new customers. In fact, there are currently over 200 million small businesses using Facebook. That means it’s more important than ever to ensure your social presence is an accurate reflection of your business.

Stop and think about it for a second. When was the last time you changed the profile picture on your company’s Facebook page? Is your Google Business page updated with your current address or hours? Does your Twitter have a header photo? If you answered no to any of these (or don’t know the answer) it’s time for a social media makeover. But don’t panic! We’ve put together a checklist to ensure you cover all your bases.

Social Media Makeover Checklist

Create a list of all your social media platforms. The key to staying on top of your social media is to have all of the information in one easy-to-access place. If you don’t already have one, create a master-list of all the platforms your business is on and include: username, password, and a link to the profile.

This can also help you identify any social media accounts you are missing that your business may want to add in the future. The top social media platforms for businesses are: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you don’t have one of those, we highly recommend creating a profile.

Do a social media audit. Now that you have your master-list, you can easily go to each profile and check them over carefully. Make note of what needs to be changed on each platform, including: inaccurate/outdated information, logos, headers, profile pictures, and branding. Including all of this information in your master-list will make it easier the next time you decide to give your social profiles a makeover.

Update your icons. It’s important to ensure your social presence is consistent across platforms, so be sure to use the same profile photo on each platform. To ensure your profiles look clean, professional, and showcase your brand, we recommend using your logo as your icon. Not sure what size your Facebook or Twitter icon needs to be? Check out Sprout Social’s guide to social media image sizes.

Update your headers. It’s important to make sure your headers accurately reflect your business. For example, if you own an event management company, a professionally shot photo of the gorgeous decor at an event would make for a great photo. The key with header photos is to ensure it is the right size. A blurry cover photo with parts of the image cut off won’t reflect well on your business. Be sure to check the guide mentioned above to be sure your header sizes are correct per platform.

Update all relevant company information. Double check your business hours, address, phone number, website, and email address on each platform. It’s especially important to insure your hours are correct on Facebook and Google Business. If they aren’t, it will show users your business is closed, when in fact you are open.

Ensure about section is accurate and engaging. Whether it’s your about section on Facebook, bio on Twitter, or company description on LinkedIn, it should give an overview of your company, including: who you are, what you do, how long you’ve been in business, the area you serve, etc. They don’t need to be long – just long enough to include all relevant information. When writing your about section, think about what you would want to know if you were a potential customer.

Once your social media makeover is complete, you’re ready to resume posting! If you have a regular posting schedule, keep it up! If you don’t, now is the perfect time to create one. You don’t have to post every single day, but the more active you are on social media, the more you will attract and engage customers.

We suggest posting at least 3 times a week on all platforms. If you know you won’t be able to keep up with posts throughout the week, you can easily schedule them at the beginning of the week with sites such as Buffer or Hootsuite. Both platforms allow you to easily schedule posts for a specific day and time. So, if you really wanted to, you could schedule a whole month at one time! However, it’s important to remember to check in often to respond to comments and engage with customers.

If you’re struggling to come up with post ideas or know you don’t have the time to keep up an active social presence, we can help! Our team of marketing experts can work with you to develop a social media plan that works for your business. We’re very experienced in all of the social media platforms and work with small to medium-sized business to keep their social presence active, engaging, and growing.

Contact us today to learn more about our monthly marketing packages and discover how we can help expand your company’s social presence!