Why Social Media Is Like an Online Dating Profile for Your B2B Company.
When someone tells you that your business needs some social media marketing, you probably snub your nose and think: that’s just for B2C businesses or for big corporate brands with huge marketing budgets. We beg to differ.
Although the marketing challenges are uniquely different in the business to business arena than the business to consumer one, new research from Social Media Examiner proves that B2B businesses are using social media not just for brand recognition but for new business generation.
Why Small Businesses Should Use Social Media
Social media is like dating. Your website is the resume. Your blog and your social presence are the first dates.
Although creating a profile on a dating website was not something you bragged about to Mom, it has become a more socially acceptable and credible means to find a partner these days. Same goes for B2B social media. It used to be something only B2C businesses did, now everyone is giving it a try.
According to Social Media Examiner, 92% of marketers said that social media was important to their businesses, up from 86% in 2013. And although your website is a great place for potential clients to learn about your company experience and history, they will probably read your blog, research your staff, and visit your social media pages if they really want to get to know you.
A business should use social media to communicate and foster potential clients through less formal, more customer relatable, and educational content that would interest them.
Jazz Up a Boring Product or Brand on Social Media.
Someone is interested in your brand, otherwise you wouldn’t exist. Even if your brand is dull, boring, or unexplainable to the average business owner, there is someone out there who wants to buy it and is looking for exactly what you have.
Perception is all relative. Even Leonard on Big Bang Theory is engaged! In my totally cliche dating analogy, even the geeky guy can get the girl.
Put yourself in the shoes of your potential client and speak to them. Do some internal research by asking your call center or sales department what questions they get asked most or ask your best clients why they continue to work with you. Sometimes we get so set in knowing what we know, it is hard to take ourselves out of the ordinary and see from another view.
Strategize the Best Social Media Platform and Find Your Network.
Maybe Match.com isn’t the best fit for you and you need to market yourself to a more specific niche. For example, these sites might attract the right type of dates: Christianmingle, WomenBehindBars, or GlutenFreeSingles or the wildly popular, Tinder. *This list of niche dating sites is a great distraction and I just had to share.
Longevity matters too, you might have to subscribe to the dating site because the three month trial just doesn’t uncover enough of the hidden gems waiting to be your Mr. Right.
It takes time and commitment to put yourself out there to find potential relationships. Then, each relationship needs to be fostered with some individual attention (minimize the self-promotion and maximize the listening) before winning the the big deal. Ok, I’m not sure if this is about dating or social media for your business, but the analogy works both ways.
Pick a platform. Dedicate time and energy. Foster relationships. Win sales (or dates).
As for platforms, the report reminds us that Facebook dominates the B2C space (68% of marketers select it as their number-one choice in the report), however LinkedIn holds the lead role for B2B marketers (33%) with Twitter and blogging next.
Set Goals. Make a Commitment.
Now that you realize there is value to social media for your B2B business, it is essential to set some goals. We aren’t talking about a ring on the finger yet, just a commitment to some time each week, a tangible quantity of blogs per month, and/or financial budget per year.
Think about it, plan it out and if you are looking for some help (marketing, not dating), Idea Marketing Group is here to help with a plan, a strategy, or to help you achieve your marketing goals.