Creating a Custom Website by Idea Marketing Group
Case Study

Robinson Resource Group is a trusted executive resource for companies looking to invest into their leadership team.

Scott Robinson founded Robinson Resource Group (RRG) in 2012 after leaving a position growing and leading the largest full-service human resources firm in the Midwest. His company has since grown into one of the leading executive search and boutique firms in the region.

RRG helps companies make, in their opinion, one of the most important investment decisions; the investment into their leadership team. They work diligently to understand an organization’s goals and weaknesses in order to make recommendations that will strengthen and create new business opportunities for their clients. Their team helps a business begin to write its next chapter.

Amid the new challenges and obstacles of 2020 Robinson Resource Group, like many others, were searching for better ways to drive sales and engage with their customers. They decided to partner with one of the best in web design and marketing, a leading Chicago web design company, Idea Marketing Group. 

The Objective

A direct and easy to use custom website for expert solutions 

Our team of website marketing experts sat down with the RRG team to hear what issues they were experiencing and what areas they wanted to improve in their business. We take the time to truly learn and understand each of our client’s businesses so we can make meaningful suggestions and recommendations. After listening to their concerns, we were able to deliver a roadmap of deliverables and a project that addressed their needs.

For this client, we would need to update their website to a more modern user interface that internet users have come to associate with reputable businesses. The site needed more engaging content and interactive elements to keep its visitors on the site. While reformatting the website we also knew we’d need to trim down the excess content and clarify the message of RRG. The site was very content heavy which would distract many users from the end goal of the website, informing visitors of their services and converting visitors to clients.

In addition to clarifying the RRG website messaging, we also needed to implement actionable items that would draw the attention of website visitors. Our client had informed us that while their website was informative, it wasn’t delivering as hoped for the sales process. We knew this was a critical piece of the redesign. 

Our client also mentioned that they’d like to see an increase in web traffic to their website. As with many of our clients, they needed a review of their SEO and a strategy to optimize it, along with improving their website page ranking.

The Solution

Building a cutting edge, SEO optimized website with critical CTAs

Our custom web design team began the project by reviewing the site backend to make sure that the site was functioning properly and efficiently. We removed any outdated processes or functions that could be affecting site speed and performance. By using a custom website design through WordPress we could address client issues with item-specific solutions that basic templates do not offer.

We integrated a custom form element to their website that would encourage users to enter their personal information that the website would then capture and store for use by the RRG team. This information could be used to create mailing lists or later integrated with email campaign services such as Mail Chimp or a customer relationship management system like Hubspot. Our client reported seeing heavy use of this element after the site launch.

Our dev team also makes sure each custom website we build is responsive, meaning it loads content quickly and correctly across all devices. We also test page speeds and implement SEO meta tags to improve the SEO and page ranking from a backend perspective. Google and other search engines base some of their website evaluations and rankings on these elements.

Building a Cutting Edge, SEO-Optimized Website With Critical CTAs

From the front end, our team also worked on creating an SEO-optimized website. We analyzed and implemented a list of keywords and phrases across the website pages that would improve the SEO. This means our clients’ site would appear in more relevant searches and therefore more potential customers would find their site. Improving a site’s SEO and page ranking can have a tremendous impact on site traffic and conversion.

To continue with the website improvements, our team created a modern layout that demonstrated to visitors that this was a modern, up-to-date business that understood the current market. The use of supporting images helped build trust and confidence in the site. A short visual video with the overlay message of “Talent Delivered. Leadership Unleashed” is the main focal point of the home screen that draws and engages the audience’s attention. 

We continued by simplifying the amount of content so it would be less distracting and that it worked to further strengthen the message of RRG. The content was further simplified by organizing it through collapsible nav options at the top of the home screen.

As users land on the website they will immediately notice the site’s Call To Action (CTA) buttons because of the bright use of color to differentiate them and the button messaging, such as Contact Us, Executive Search, and Executive Coaching. All important services that RRG provides and reasons their clients would be seeking their service sector. These CTAs provide actionable items for an improved user journey that ultimately results in the desired conversion.

By implementing these elements and adjustments we were able to create an engaging, interactive site where visitors easily found what they were searching for and were then converted into leads or clients.  

Post-Launch Website Support

Monthly website support for our clients B2B website

Our web development and web marketing team worked to create a custom B2B web design that increased conversion rates and led them through the desired user journey. We eliminated duplicitous content and simplified the messaging to reduce unnecessary noise across the site. The new site included a form to capture additional visitor information which resulted in more potential leads for RRG. Additional SEO and site optimization ensured the site would rank well and perform as desired.

Our account management program provides continued technical support as needed to ensure our client gets maximum use from their new website. If issues arise our team is there to offer support and guidance as client satisfaction is always a chief priority. Once our project with the Robinson Resource Group was completed, our client contact Stacy Lazzara had this to say, 

“I would definitely say that Idea exceeded our expectations, the website achieves everything that we were looking for … they have a lot of experience and knowledge that can help you.”

– Stacy Lazzara

In addition to website maintenance support, our team provides all of its clients with our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Robinson Resource Group better manage its website. This dedicated support helps our clients become more confident in fixing site issues and less reliant on third-party support.