There are a variety of social media platforms available that consumers and businesses use to connect. All social media platforms have their benefits but individually, they each provide something different from one another.

Although leading the industry is Facebook and Twitter, the more recent Pinterest provides great opportunities for businesses to reach out and connect to consumers. An article posted on Entrepreneur dissects the ways to make the most of your Pinterest experience.

The author of this article, Karen Leland, outlined ten main ideas to help successfully implement Pinterest into your marketing strategy. One point that really stands out is what type of content and how much of it should be posted on Pinterest.

This article said in order to maximize your interaction with consumers, post 40% motivational and inspiring pins, 40% instructional and educational pins and 20% of pins about your brand. Pins about your brand could include contests, specials, product launches, etc.

Leland also says to keep content interactive. Post videos, screenshots, screencasts, and webinars on anything from tutorials, demos and behind-the-scenes information. Content like this keeps viewers engaged and interested and the more they share what your business is posting, the larger your audience grows.

There is a lot to gain when you get consumers involved and another great way to pull their interest in would be to give things away. It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t love a good freebie so use that to your advantage! Use things that are minimal in cost to you to really make your “pinners” happy. Things such as free e-books, podcasts or even goodies with your logo are enough to get some people involved.

To check out the rest of Leland’s suggestions and read the full article “10 Ways to Add Pinterest to Your Marketing Strategy” check it out on Entrepreneur.

And if you need extra assistance with your social media marketing, Idea Marketing Group is here for you!