Blog (page 9)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 9 of our blog articles.

What Does GDPR Mean for Your Small Business?

By now you have probably been getting bombarded with information about what’s referred to as GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations. In short, GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give citizens of the European Union more control over their personal data. Organizations doing business in the EU are required to ensure personal data is gathered legally and under strict conditions. Those who collect and manage data will be forced to protect it from misuse and exploitation, as well as to respect the rights of data owners – or face penalties. How does GDPR impact small business? Before...

Regular Website Audits are Critical for Businesses

When was the last time you took a deep dive into your website? The internet changes at a rapid pace. It is critical for all businesses to perform routine website audits to make sure the website is working at the best level it can. Use the form below to check a specific page within your website. (function() { var p = ""; var d = document, s = d.createElement("script"); s.src = p + "?v=" + Math.random(); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); s.onload = function() { new SEMRUSH.SiteauditWidget({ widgetApiKey: "60c8f1c9f85646251c507deb" }); } })(); This is a technical report that checks: Domain Characteristics Meta...

Does Your Company’s Social Media Need a Makeover?

Every season is the perfect time to get to those things that may have been pushed to the back burner or slipped through the cracks. When it comes to your business, one of those things may very well be your social media profiles. Updating your company’s social media may see like a low-priority item on your never ending task list, but it should definitely be moved up to the top. Why? Because we live in a digital age where social media is one of the primary forms of communication. In 2021, there were 4.48 billion social media users and an...

Blogging 101: Answers to 5 Common Blogging Questions

To blog or not to blog, that is the question. The short answer is – to blog, for sure! Did you know that 77% of internet users read blogs? Or, that people read an average of 10 blog posts per day? If you aren’t blogging for your business today, you’re leaving untapped leads on the table and minimizing your business growth potential. At Idea, each website we build comes complete with a blog. Why? Because a blog is an essential tool in terms of SEO and organic lead generation. Whether your website is for a business or for your own...

Non-Profit Website Design and WordPress Integration

When it comes to nonprofit web design, there are two main factors that lead to success. The first is a powerful, clean, and easy-to-navigate design, and the second is an easy-to-use and understand content management system or CMS. Since our founding in 2009, Idea Marketing Group has designed and developed dozens of websites for nonprofit organizations around the world. Without a doubt, we can only recommend nonprofit websites be built on the WordPress platform for a number of reasons. Let’s dive a little bit further into the why.   What should a nonprofit website include?   A non-profit website is...

What is a Hard Refresh?

Table of Contents: Why is a hard refresh needed on websites? How to do a hard refresh in Google Chrome? How to do a hard refresh in Firefox? How do you hard refresh in Safari? How do you hard refresh in Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge? What gets stored in your website browser? Learn more about optimizing your brand & website Why is a hard refresh needed on websites? A hard refresh clears the browser’s cache for a specific page, forcing it to load the most recent version that includes changes to style-sheets or other scripts. Sometimes, when a website is updated,...

15 Marketing Terms You Should Know

If you own your own business, chances are you’ve been told of the importance of online marketing. You’ve probably even been contacted by companies who promise to help you get conversions, improve your search ranking, and manage your Adwords campaigns. But do you know what any of that actually means? If the answer is no, don’t worry. It’s not rocket science! In fact, many of the basic strategies and terms associated with online marketing are quite simple once you know what they are and what they mean. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 15 popular marketing terms to know...

Chrome Security Warnings For Non HTTP Websites

Starting October 2017, Chrome (version 62) started showing a “NOT SECURE” warning when users enter text in a form on an HTTP page, and for all HTTP pages in Incognito mode. All websites that use form inputs will trigger a new warning in the Chrome browser. The new warning is part of a long term plan to mark all pages served over HTTP as “not secure”. How to fix the problem Migrate your website to HTTPS instead non-secured HTTP to prevent the “Not Secure” notification from appearing when Chrome users visit your site, only collect user input data on pages...

Why Cheap Websites Will Cost You More in the Long Run

We get it, you want to get the best price you can on a website, but there are questions you need to consider when opting for the lowest price. As appealing as it is, it may actually end up costing you more money in the long run with lack luster results. Is your website going to be built and tailored for your business? Or will the designers attempt to fit your business model into a pre-made template that might only cost them $40, but they will charge you thousands for? Will the website scale to allow continued growth for your...

User Experience and Your Website

What is User Experience (UX)? A common misconception is that user experience design and web design are synonymous. However, UX design focuses on the way people use your product not just the way it looks. Aesthetics are very much a part of building websites that are engaging, but in the end setting up your users to easily navigate to the very thing they’re seeking out is far more pleasing to them, which is why it’s something business owners should take serious interest in. When making a website it’s very easy to focus on meeting the demands of stakeholders and those...

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Do you have a question about branding, web design or digital marketing? We are a helpful bunch, feel free to ask us anything. We have decades of experience in web development and marketing strategy.

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