Blog (page 6)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 6 of our blog articles.

What is a 301 Redirect?

Over time, the pages on your website build up data. This can include links from other websites or directories, often referred to as backlinks.

Google Analytics 4: A Data Collection Strategy

With the increasing demand for user privacy, it has become more difficult to track online users of multiple devices across multiple platforms, sites, and apps. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest evolution of Google’s analytics platform, assisting marketers with data collection strategies. GA4 Exploration gives more control over data visualization than was previously available in Universal Analytics.

Facebook Analytics is Going Away

Facebook Analytics will cease to exist after June 30th. What does that mean for marketers and business pages? Learn more in our blog.

Benefits of Advertising Your Brand on YouTube

Video has become an excellent tool for lead generation and brand awareness. You may have already noticed how often video (particularly streaming video) is being utilized for marketing and advertising more so than ever before.

Promoting Your Website Before, During, & After Launch

If you’re about to launch (or relaunch) a new website, then it’s already time to start promoting it. When we say promote, we mean reaching out before, during, and after the launch with specific reasons someone would benefit from when visiting the site.

Top 3 Things Beverage Brands Need To Do When Selling Online

There are three things you can do to promote and sell your beverage brand better online. Your beverage brand might have the potential to become the next best thing, but it won’t happen unless you promote your product strategically.

How to Set Up Facebook Ads for Your Brand

Many brands are using Facebook Ads for their product, whether it’s to obtain new leads, or spread brand awareness. There are many reasons to use social media advertising.

Read More from Idea Marketing Group

Do you have a question about branding, web design or digital marketing? We are a helpful bunch, feel free to ask us anything. We have decades of experience in web development and marketing strategy.

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