Blog (page 4)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 4 of our blog articles.

How Long Is a Website’s Lifespan?

Everything and everyone ages faster than we want. That includes your car, your favorite pair of shoes, the article you wrote about social media trends — everything. You can add your website to that list. It’s often the time for a website redesign before you realize it. In this article, we discuss how long is a website’s lifespan, how to extend it, and when to get a redesign. A good rule of thumb is that you should overhaul your website every three years — but that’s a general and imprecise number. How can you decide when to redesign your website?...

Recommended Marketing Software That Can Make Your Business Successful

Is your business struggling to market itself like it used to? Marketing isn’t as simple as it once was. Gone are the days when an effective store sign or billboard was all you needed to stand out and reach your target audience. While these tactics may still be successful, to reach clients today your business will likely need to do more, like invest in marketing software. To compete in today’s digital landscape you’ll need the recommended marketing software that can make your business successful. There is a lot of marketing software available to help your manufacturing business, and it’s important...

Evaluate Your Business Performance Quickly with a SWOT Analysis

Table of Contents Why You Should Use a SWOT Analysis to Evaluate Your Business Performance? Identify Business Performance Strengths Discovering Weaknesses in Business Performance Finding Business Performance Opportunities Threats to Your Business Performance What to do Once You Evaluate Your Business Performance? Have you wondered if you were missing out on ways to improve your business performance? How do you measure the success, and weakness, of your business? If you want to stay competitive then it’s important that you are consistently looking for ways how to evaluate your business performance. We worked with some digital marketing experts to put together...

23 Marketing Terms Every Business Should Know in 2023

Marketing, like every industry, continues to evolve and each year brings new methods, software, and terminology to the industry. While it may be impossible to learn every marketing term being used, there are some critical digital marketing terms that every marketer and business should be familiar with. The experts at a leading digital marketing and custom web design agency in Chicago, Idea Marketing Group, have compiled a list of the key digital marketing terms that you need to know for 2023. Learn more about each of these marketing terms, and how you can leverage your knowledge of marketing terms to...

3 Tips on How to Improve Your Manufacturing Website SEO with Backlinks

A part of a strong industrial marketing strategy is SEO optimization and improving the manufacturing website’s backlinks. If you are curious about how to improve your manufacturing website SEO with backlinks you’ve come to the right place. But if you’re not used to SEO marketing speak, you’ve probably never heard of backlinks. And even if you have, you may be confused about what they really are and how they can help you upgrade your manufacturing marketing strategy and help you grow your business organically. Read on to learn about the power of backlinks and how they can help you attract...

5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Profitable Marketing Strategy for Your Business

It is no surprise that business owners are overwhelmed when thinking about marketing these days. They understand the importance of a website, social media, and paid ads, but most are confused about the function of blogging. Although they do understand that blogs help with branding and authority, they may not understand how blogging can help attract organic leads to their website. If you are one of these business owners, don’t fret! This article will spell out all the top 5 reasons why blogging is a profitable marketing strategy for your business that you should start today. Photo by from...

Are Custom WordPress Design or CMS Templates best for Your Manufacturing Website?

In today’s digital age modern businesses depend on their websites to interact with customers, generate revenue, and create brand awareness. A well-designed and functional manufacturing website will build trust with your clients, drive traffic and result in a higher conversion rate. selecting the right platform for your website is crucial for success On the other hand, websites that aren’t up to date, feature errors or operational issues, or suffer from other design issues are almost certainly leaving a negative impression on visitors and hurting their conversions rates. How can your business surpass its goals without having entire teams of developers,...

5 Tips to Improve Your Manufacturing Website Conversion Rate

Creating a website for your manufacturing business is about more than just having an online presence. It’s about getting eyes on your company’s products and services and obtaining returning customers. While it’s important for customers to know and recognize your brand, the most critical part of the manufacturing business is completing the sale, and that’s where your website conversion comes in. That’s why our experts have put together 5 tips to improve your manufacturing website conversion rate. One way to gain (or convert) customers is by having a successful conversion marketing strategy. That’s where having a strong conversion rate optimization...

The 6 Most Common Website Mistakes for Businesses Looking to Build an Online Presence

Only 64% of small businesses in the United States have a website. If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you fall into the minority of businesses that currently don’t. But, you probably already know that having an online presence is going to play a critical role in growing your business and increasing your revenue.‌While professional web design is very important as you embark on your journey, so is knowing what to avoid. Here, we’ll be covering the 6 most common website mistakes that many businesses make and why they are too important to ignore. A website currently under development Mistake...

8 Expert Tips to Increase Your Manufacturing Inbound Leads

Why Your Manufacturing Business Needs an Inbound Lead Marketing Strategy In today’s digital landscape your customers are constantly bombarded with ads and content meant to get their attention. It’s estimated that the average person in the United States is exposed to anywhere from 4,000 – 10,000 ads daily. With so many ads, it can be difficult, and costly, to make your ads stand out from the noise and attract the right audience. That’s why successful manufacturers know that one of the best strategies to increase sales is focusing on inbound marketing. By designing a manufacturing marketing strategy that focuses on...

Case Study: Improving a Manufacturing Marketing Strategy with Social Media Ads

Case Study Social Media Ad Campaigns for Nurse Call Technology Manufacturer Jeron Electrical Systems A nurse call technology manufacturer came to us in November 2020, looking for help with running some ads on social media. The client wanted to run ads on both Facebook and LinkedIn, reaching users who were interested in nursing, healthcare IT and software, high-level employees at healthcare facilities, and more. On Facebook/Instagram and LinkedIn, our digital ads specialist ran about 20 different ads for the manufacturer for about five months. Most of the ads were videos showing their provider technology center and nurse call systems. Most...

5 Out-of-the-Box SEO Tactics That Work!

In the world of marketing, SEO is probably one of the most mystifying aspects of the practice that usually breeds confusion, uncertainty, and a sense of intangibility. However, it is also one of the most effective methods for generating organic rankings and enabling search engine discoverability. This dichotomy is exactly why SEO is one of the most misunderstood digital marketing tactics and one which often involves many misconceptions.  Most marketers and business owners with experience using SEO know that certain key strategies work well to help them rank higher for certain keywords, including keyword research, quality content, technical optimization, and website...

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