Blog (page 2)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 2 of our blog articles.

Creating the Best Recipe Page Design for Eagle Brand Foods

Today, most industry-leading consumer goods brands, like Eagle Brand, include a recipe section as part of their web design. A recipe section is critical for driving traffic to a packaged goods brand’s website and creating interest in its products. Without a recipe page design that meets best practices, a brand is losing out on valuable conversion opportunities. That’s why Eagle Brand came to Idea Marketing Group, experts in consumer goods web design, to seek help creating the best recipe page design. Eagle Brand is a well-known packaged goods brand that has been around for over 160 years. In 1865 Gail...

The 7 Worst SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Table of Contents What Is SEO? The Top 7 SEO Mistakes to Fix Right Now Why Keyword Stuffing Hurts SEO Use Key Phrases In Your H1 and H2’s Prioritize Keyword Research for SEO Optimization How do backlinks affect SEO? Slow Websites Affect SEO Optimize Images for SEO Content Length Requirements for SEO Ranking Improvement Let the Leading Chicago SEO Experts Optimize Your Website SEO Among the many websites that make up the internet, there is information on just about every subject. But let’s just say SEO is on your mind today. If you perform a broad search for SEO techniques, hundreds...

Is JPEG or PNG Better? A Complete Guide Plus 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents Why Images are Incredibly Important in Content Marketing Is JPG or PNG Better to Use? What is a JPEG(JPG) Image? What is a PNG Image? The Main Difference Between JPG and PNG Files Which is Better: JPG vs PNG? When to Use JPEG Images? When to Use PNG Images? PNG and JPG: Frequently Asked Questions Choose The Chicago Web Design Experts That Will Use JPEG and PNG Files Correctly On Your Website A picture is worth a thousand words, and the type of picture file is worth a three thousand-word blog! Image files today are commonly stored...

What Causes High Bounce Rates and The Secret to Improve Them

Table of Contents What Are Bounce Rates? Why Are Boounce Rates Important? How Bounce Rates Affect SEO What Bounce Rates Should You Focus On? How to Identify Which Website Pages Have High Bounce Rates How to Compare Page Bounce Rates Using Google Analytics 10 Common Reasons For High Bounce Rates and How to Fix Them How Slow Website Load Speeds Increase Bounce Rates How Poor or Outdated Web Design Affects Bounce Rates How Broken Link Cause Users to Abandon Page Why You Should Avoid Using Links That Don’t Open in New Tabs Not Enough Content or Poor Content Quality Lack...

How to Create a Winning Content Marketing Plan for Your Manufacturing Website

In marketing, it is well-known that Content is King, but why is this so, you may ask? Foremost, content utilizes storytelling in order to create a connection between the writer and the reader, elevating the writer’s position in terms of trust, knowledge, and authority. Secondly, content elucidates what images cannot – it explains and clarifies one’s message and position.  Content is likewise able to showcase the features of your products and services in detail, persuade individuals to make up their minds about your brand, and take action to solidify their relationship with your business.  By understanding the power of content,...

The Best Internal Linking Strategy to Improve Your CPG Website SEO

What Are Internal Links and Why Are They So Important For Your Website? Technically speaking, an internal link is a link on one of your website pages that leads to another of your website pages. By being on one page, it signals to algorithm bots that the page that the internal link leads to is related to the original page. The best internal linking strategy makes it easy to file pages according to categories and importance. It also provides search engine algorithms with “relationship” value. For example, a page that ranks well on search engines and includes internal links to...

8 Reasons Video Content Marketing Greatly Improves Your Business

The growing popularity of video content marketing in blogs and other content continues as more people watch and share videos online and on social media. Brands and web page owners can use video content marketing to get their message across, increase traffic to their website, receive more quality leads, and optimize their conversion rate. Which results in a better return on investment on their advertising budget. Video content marketing has evolved, and digital marketers need to understand the important role it has in their content marketing strategy. To be successful in today’s competitive business place, you need to know how...

5 Tips for Best Food Website Design in Your CPG Business Niche

Table of Contents What Should a Food Website Have? Food Website Ideas That Will Help You Stand Out 5 Tips for Best Food Website Design How to Strategize Your Food Website Content Recipe Website Design Tips If you are a CPG business in the food industry, you must know that having a “delicious” website is paramount. From images to videos, your product is the main draw, and knowing how to present it in the best light is key when designing or redesigning your food website.  The best food website design takes into consideration the layout, messaging, content, and user experience...

6 Reasons Why Experts Use Images in Content Marketing

Table of Contents What is a Content Marketing Strategy? Images in Content Marketing Enhance Content How to Use Images to Build a Connection with Your Target Audience Increase Leads By Adding Images In Content Marketing Help Readers Retain Information With Imagery Content Imagery Can Be Easily Reused Find Free Images to Use in Your Content Marketing Develop Winning Content Marketing Strategies Are you getting the most from your marketing? If you aren’t using images in your content marketing then you might not be. In this blog, we cover the 6 reasons why experts use images in content marketing. Did you know...

CPG Business Website Overhaul: How to Create the Perfect Website for Your Sales Goals

If you are a consumer packaged goods business, you may be asking yourself what makes for an effective CPG website that is worth its return on investment. For one, an effective CPG website differentiates why your products are unique or better than your competitors’, while at the same time showcasing your “why” and “how” that makes consumers more favorably aligned to your brand. Manufacturing web design must likewise display the products offered in a centralized and favorable light, making it easy for customers to understand what they’re buying and giving them an opportunity to find your products easily – be...

6 Essential Tips for Website Design and Layout (from our professional in-house web designers!)

“Your website is the center of your digital eco-system, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door.” – Leland Dieno When creating a new website, having a plan and creating a site map are key to engagement and conversion success. Think of your website as a roadmap that leads the user closer and closer to the treasure chest or your end goal – which is converting leads to customers! If you don’t know your ideal customer avatar well and...

Industry Secrets on How to Create Unique Content That Ranks on Top and Stands Out From The Competition!

Did you know that according to Contently, 61% of consumers are more likely to purchase goods and services from a business that provides unique content?  Content creators are all the buzz in the online business world, but you don’t have to be a content expert to offer value, knowledge, and memorable insights to your audience! The simple secret to how to create unique content that both search engines and your audience love is to hone in on your unique perspective of the key topics and share points of interest that are rarely shared by your competitors. Do you have a...

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