Blog (page 15)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 15 of our blog articles.

How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business

With all the hype over Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn is a powerful social network that seems to be neglected by those looking to increase their customer base. If you haven’t already, it’s time to set up an account and take advantage of all it has to offer. Of the three social networks just mentioned, LinkedIn provides the most professional user base. There are people there who are looking for your services, and ready to network. It may not always provide as much traffic to your website as the other social networks, but the traffic it does generate tends to be...

How to Measure Facebook Engagement

Have you wondered what the numbers were under the Insights Summary on your business Facebook page? Or maybe wondered how to track the level of success for your business’s Facebook page? Social Media Examiner offers up a great explanation of what the numbers that Facebook offers you mean, and what you should be looking at. Many people simply track the number of fans, and use that as their metric for success. However, it’s better to offer quality content that your fans can interact with. Here’s a little insight into some other measurements for Facebook success: Need a bit of...

Benefits of Blogging for Business

An article on recently revealed that social media is the second marketing priority, behind only the company website for most businesses. Social media platforms are giving businesses the ability to engage with their customer base, and drum up business, so there’s no great surprise there. The same article revealed that only 12 percent of local businesses are blogging. That is a little more shocking. Blogs are a great way to communicate your expertise with potential customers. They allow you to engage with people and help drive relevant traffic to your website. More businesses would benefit from this great tool...

5 Important SEO Factors for Businesses

There are many website owners out there confounded by SEO. It’s a topic that can cover a wide range of practices, some involving a high-level skill set. Search engines simply need a way to differentiate the websites they come across, and rank them in a way that makes sense to those surfing the web. You can have the most beautifully designed website, with high functionality, but if nobody can find it then it doesn’t matter. Here are five things you can look at without expertise in code, to make sure that your business is getting the most out of its...

Facebook for Business: Where Millions Go, Your Marketing Should Follow

We’ve all heard the incredible Facebook statistics. There are several, and they confirm what many of us already know—the time is now to get involved with this powerful marketing tool. Here are a few facts about Facebook and its growth that are worth repeating: If the social networking site were a country, it would be the third largest in the world, behind only China and India. It’s second in web site traffic, behind only Google. More than 500 million people use Facebook worldwide. The people who use Facebook, are on it longer than any other web site. The list goes...

Let Your Customers Help You Advertise: The Benefits of Location-Based Social Networks

Free advertising is always good. The only thing better is free advertising from the mouths (or written word) of happy customers. With location-based social networking, that is exactly what your business can achieve. Brick and mortar businesses can now entice foot traffic without spending advertising dollars. They can tailor special offers to customers who “check-in” to the popular location-based platforms such as Foursquare or Gowalla on their smartphones while they shop, or eat. Even Facebook is in on the craze, with its Places application. By checking in, they are putting the word out about your business to their entire network...

The Importance of Web Design Services for a Small Business

Small businesses have a lot to evaluate, but really the most important thing is attracting customers. In a challenging economy, that can be much easier said than done. Try taking a step back and evaluating things from your customer’s perspective. Customers have needs, and want to locate the places that meet that need as quickly as possible. There’s always the phone book, but there are questions that go along with the purchase.  It’d be best to get answers without having to make several phone calls, and doing all that investigative work. So instead of the phone book, many customers will...

Marketing Tips for Small Business Articles

Sometimes the Internet can feel like one giant commercial. Every once in a while it can be helpful for you and customers to take a step back from the steady stream of noise. That is exactly what a good article marketing campaign does. Instead of making a sales pitch, a good article marketing campaign aims to inform current customers and potential customers about what it is that a small business does. It educates them about the industry. Simply put, it is informative. No matter your industry, and whether your target audience is around your neighborhood or national, these benefits can...

What is Your Brand Messaging Strategy?

Small businesses can invest in the most beautiful web design for their websites. They can have an elaborate system of pages created with all the most important links in place. They can have the whole thing set up and operational, sometimes in just enough time to watch it fail. What’s missing is the message. Potential customers need guidance, and good copywriting provides just that. They need a reason to believe, and information at their fingertips. Good copywriting for the web can be hard to find, but it is just as important as the look and design of the website. Think...

Common Website Mistakes That Can Kill Business

President Darren Fox of Idea Marketing Group was recently asked to some share insight on common website mistakes that can kill business. Every element on your website has the ability to build — or damage — how visitors perceive you. To gain insight on how to generate confidence, earn trust, and entice visitors to reach out and invest in your offerings, see Darren’s response as well as thoughts from other experts in the field. Established in 2006, Webcopy+ is a Vancouver, Canada-based web content agency that creates smart content for top businesses, agencies, and designers around the globe.

How Often to Update a Website: Update Early, Update Often

Your website is like a store. Customers need a reason to stay interested. One of the best ways to keep them coming back is to provide regular website maintenance, and routinely update your content. Is there a new product, a sale or a new service you want customers to know about? Your website is the first place customers will turn to find this information, so giving them what they are looking for will put you ahead of the competition. Customers are not the only ones looking for new content on your website. Search engines also factor updates into your website’s...

Website Redesign Tips: When To Get a Website Redesign

Many businesses ask when is a good time to redo a website? The old rule of thumb was to simply say three years and leave it at that. Three years in the Internet world go by in a flash. Internet browsers seem to be changing on a monthly basis and new technology is introduced almost daily. With the Internet’s increasing popularity, people are relying more and more on websites to address their needs. Stale websites that rarely get updated immediately lose the interest of modern and tech-savvy web surfers. Web surfers today are becoming keener on identifying websites that look...

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