Blog (page 14)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 14 of our blog articles.

Facebook Post Promotion Tips

Facebook began rolling out its promoted posts feature recently, a way for businesses to reach a wider percentage of their fans. Idea Marketing Group Facebook did a little research to find out what is involved in marketing your business this way. Simply put, the promote posts feature allows your business exposure to more fans by paying to promote a post. Not everyone has access to the feature yet. If it is available on your page, you will see the “promote” option below your empty status box update. You’ll have to be using Facebook as the page to use the feature....

What is Klout and How to Measure Your Online Influence?

With a wide variety of social networks sprouting up, it’s only natural for a way to measure your impact to follow. The most popular of these social scoring sites has been, where they calculate your online influence by evaluating your various social networks. Klout evaluates the size of your network and level of engagement to determine your score. As long as you are active on your networks and engaging those you meet, your Klout score should follow. If you are at all curious about the net that you cast online, this is a good place to see what you’re...

How To Use Pinterest for Marketing Your Business

By now, most everyone has heard of Pinterest, the virtual pin board created for online scrapbooking. While it may not have the large flux of users that Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have, it can still be used to market your business online. In England, much of the early adopter crowd for the new social network uses it for exactly these purposes. In the United States, early users have mainly been women interested in crafts and design. With a little creativity, Pinterest can be an ideal way to market your business. The key is to be subtle. Users can spot a...

How to Build a Landing Page That Works

When it comes to landing page design, many of the same rules that go for designing your website apply. The difference is, with a landing page, it is often the first impression of your business that a customer may have. It’s the front door to your website, and sometimes your entire internet presence. With a landing page, you have even less virtual real estate to make an impression. Your landing page needs to look immaculate to bring customers your way. The real question, is how do you build a landing page that will generate a loyal audience or leads? A...

Consider Google Adwords For Your Small Business and Greater Local Presence

People tend to think of organic search as the more viable option compared to Google Adwords for attracting new customers. A lot of times it does tend to be the better fit. Do not discount Adwords, however. If you don’t see any results immediately with Adwords, people tend to become frustrated because you are still paying for the clicks. There are settings on Adwords that are designed to help you attract local business. If you take advantage of them correctly, Adwords can help you improve your local visibility, and by extension, grow your local business. According to Google, 97 percent...

How to Strategize SEO for a New Website

It’s not uncommon for businesses in the market for a new website to look for a way to save a little money, and that may mean an attempt to cut corners. It is an understandable thought. Crucial parts of the process can be called into question, such as search engine optimization. While this may be a tempting road to go down, SEO is crucial to your website. It is much better to add in these initial stages, than to go back and add later. You want your website strong from the beginning. There are SEO decisions that factor into every...

What to Look for When Redesigning a Website?

It is a question that every business needs an answer to. When is the best time to redesign a web site? Things move fast when it comes to the web. Some web sites seem to age in dog years—they appear old, fast. Think about things this way. If your web site is more than two years old, there are things that were considered a luxury at that point, that are necessities now. Your site may simply look dated. Now, more than ever it is important to have a strong online presence. Here are a few things to consider. Is your...

Top Tips for Restaurant Websites

As a business, it is important to have the best presence possible online. Your website should look sharp, work hard to brand your organization, and sell your product. Many restaurants handle this part well, and then struggle with another critically important area—their menu. A picture is so important. People may not realize they want that juicy burger or fresh salad until they have a visual for what they look like. Done right, and it can make your customers’ mouths water. This is not a new realization. Restaurants came to terms with the need for professional food photography for their table...

Why Websites Are Important: Is Your Website Strong Enough?

Your website is the linchpin of your online marketing campaign. It should be your business’s prime online location, where all traffic is directed, and anyone can go to find out more information. It should answer customers’ most popular questions. It should make their experience a convenient one. There are three areas imperative to a strong website. If you are lacking in one or more of these three, it may be time to seek the services of a professional web designer or marketer. 3 Essential Charactistics of Great Websites First, the design of your website should be visually engaging. It needs...

How to Use The Google Plus Page for Business

As the hype around Google+ continues to build, it will be interesting to see what kind of platform it becomes for businesses and branding. Facebook has become such a Mecca for marketers because of the large number of users. Most of the other monster social networking platforms began as small companies and mounted their rise to the top. With Google’s size and sheer domination of the search market, Google Plus is currently the go-to platform for creating and nurturing online communities. Google Plus has created a significant buzz through its test trials. Its arbitrary methods for allowing people into the...

Why is Social Media a Great Tool for Your Business to Build Trust and Engagement with Your Audience?

As a business owner, do you know your target demographic? Are you aiming your product at men or women? How old are they, and what’s their race? Do you know what their interests are, or how they spend their time? The more detailed information that you know about your customer base, the easier it is to market to them. It is what marketing campaigns are based on. This knowledge should play a strong role in deciding which social networks you want to use to market your business. These questions largely dictate how to reach your audience. No matter what you...

Embrace Social Media: How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

The fear sparked by social media can be great. It runs contradictory to everything marketers have previously been taught. Marketers are used to scrambling for the largest megaphone to talk with the masses. Social media relies on a more individualized approach. Many people are resistant to change, and that is understandable. They don’t want in, until they are 100 percent convinced that whatever it is, is here to stay. They will only partake because of the realization that whatever it is will pass them by. There have been stories in the news recently about Facebook peaking. Do not confuse this...

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