Blog (page 13)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 13 of our blog articles.

Got Social Strategy? Social Media Strategy Tips for Greater Lead Generation

You know you have to. You’ve dabbled, you’ve posted, maybe even tweeted, but you just aren’t quite sure what to do next or why the heck you are doing it at all. I’m referring of course to your attempts at social media marketing.  You’ve checklisted through the usual setup process: Facebook page – check. Twitter account – check. LinkedIn page – check. Pinterest page – check. Google+ page – check. You’ve probably setup at least few more in your industry too, at least we hope you did. Now what? Analyze. Don’t just throw spaghetti on the wall and hope that it...

6 Tips to Make Your New Non-Profit Website Kick-Ass

I have worked for/with/at non-profit organizations of many different sizes and budgets. I’ve encountered indecisive Board of Directors, difficult budget restrictions, severe budget cuts, excessive approval channels, changes in staff, lack of staff, and the list goes on. Needless to say, I know you’ve got your work cut out for you in acquiring the feedback and approvals in a timely and constructive fashion, which are necessary to get to the end goal: a fabulous marketable kick-ass non-profit website design. So, as you create your request for proposal (RFP) or seek out companies to bid on your project for your new...

Mobile Website Benefits for Business

There are a variety of reasons that explain why having mobile-friendly websites are paramount in doing business. Over 70% of internet users prefer websites that are mobile-friendly with a responsive design and similarly, over two-thirds of mobile internet users say they won’t do business on a website that isn’t mobile device friendly. This paints a clear picture of the clientele you could be missing out on, simply by not having a website compatible with mobile devices. Give Visitors the Information They Want – Websites that aren’t mobilized are pointless for internet searches from mobile devices. Looking at a desktop website...

Social Media Engagement: The Response Is Greater Than The Post

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, MySpace, Google Plus+, DeviantArt, LiveJournal, Tagged, Orkut, CafeMom, Ning, Meetup, myLife, and even our all popular social media sites on the web today. Businesses invest valuable time in maintaining and updating their profile on these platforms and it can be a challenge to think of the perfect post to engage your followers. When you do a simple Google search you can find 100’s of articles on: The Art of Writing Great Facebook Status Updates, The Best and Worst Times to Share on Facebook, Twitter, and A Simple Plan for Writing a Powerful Blog Post...

Is Your Blog Reaching Its Full Potential? 5 Blog Outlines to Help You Succeed

This one goes out to all the bloggers out there. Having a blog is great, since it puts your website ahead of all those who don’t; however, does your content possess what it needs to gain readers and keep them? To create a great blog post, here are five blog post outlines that present which blog entries should be composed to create quality and resourceful posts and ultimately gain a larger reach. The five essential blog outlines that readers loves include: LISTS – Using lists is great for blogging because they condense the information making it easier for readers to...

Fast! And We Do Mean a “Ludicrous Speed” Way of Resizing Images

Time is everything, and when it comes to finding the quickest way possible to execute repetitive tasks on a computer, I try to find every means necessary to skip the traditional route, think outside of the box, and try something new. I was given a mission to resize image thumbnails in about 20 different folders. These thumbnails were just one of the larger images within the same folder. So after three folders in of opening an image in photoshop, changing the image size, saving it down, I started feeling like I was working on a 1920s assembly line. Mesmerized by...

Why You Should Use Pinterest for Your Business

There are a variety of social media platforms available that consumers and businesses use to connect. All social media platforms have their benefits but individually, they each provide something different from one another. Although leading the industry is Facebook and Twitter, the more recent Pinterest provides great opportunities for businesses to reach out and connect to consumers. An article posted on Entrepreneur dissects the ways to make the most of your Pinterest experience. The author of this article, Karen Leland, outlined ten main ideas to help successfully implement Pinterest into your marketing strategy. One point that really stands out is...

Make Customers into Brand Ambassadors

In an article posted by Entrepreneur Magazine they bring to light the importance of transforming customers into brand ambassadors. It is vital to understand what makes customers brand ambassadors. Because today’s online presence is continually growing and providing businesses with a variety of ways to connect with customers and prospects, there are endless ways to reach your target audience. For every business there are some marketing strategies that prove better than others but one thing that is sure for all companies is that they must listen to what their customers are saying on any and all platforms. When a client...

Tweaking Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch

Anyone who has been to a networking event has had to do it – the 30 second elevator pitch to promote your business, yourself, and entice the room to hire you instead of your 3 other competitors that are selling the same products and services. It is often the first impression future clients have of you and can influence not only their buying decision but also how they talk about you to their clients. There are several key factors to make sure you stand out and are remembered – for the right reasons – with prospective clients so they call...

Why Is Content Strategy Important?

Content strategy, a marketing buzzword that is all too familiar and often over-thought, can greatly increase not only your search results but your business leads as well. Having an effective content strategy can be accomplished in a variety of ways, keeping your website fresh and your visitors engaged. The first and the most important thing that having good content on your website can do for your business is to attract clients. If the content is missing, your site can’t be found and if it is found, buyers can’t make informed decisions about your products and services. By adding optimized content...

Let Your Customers Speak For You: How to Ask Customers for Referrals

For small businesses looking to expand their bottom line without overworking their sales force, there may be another solution. Why not turn your satisfied customers into advocates for your business, by asking them to recruit on your behalf? When it comes to selling for your own business, some people act shy. There is no harm in asking a satisfied customer to help you out. There is a real chance that they may have friends or associates who need your services. If you don’t ask, you will never know. A referral rewards program may be just what your business needs to...

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