Blog (page 12)

Web design and marketing tips, as well as a behind the scenes look into Idea Marketing Group. You are currently viewing page 12 of our blog articles.

Why Mobile Friendly Websites Matter

Moz released an in-depth look at mobile data and the speed at which things are shifting from desktop use to mobile. It is a little on the technical side but it discusses how even advertising numbers targeting strictly mobile users are on the rise. “I’d strongly encourage the same for mobile – open a phone browser and really try to see what the consumer is experiencing. If your business is primarily local or an impulse buy driven by TV and other advertising, the time to consider mobile is already behind you. For the rest of us, the mobile future is...

G+ Might Be Morphing, But It Is NOT Dead

At Idea, we use Google+. We post to it, we follow people, we share, and we continue to grow on G+. Yes, G+ has changed and continues to change. We modify our social strategies as often as G+ changes theirs. We like G+ and we see the value in it, both for us and for our clients. The recent Techcrunch article isn’t the first G+ bashing article that we’ve seen, and we just wanted to address it. We’ve had a number of clients express concern and we want to be clear on our position. Setting up a solid internet presence...

What To Know Before You Move Forward with Your New Website

So, you are ready to move forward with a new website; a redesign, a start-up, maybe even a DIY website builder site (however, read this if you are opting for a website builder). Congratulations! But before you start, here are some tips to educate you in choosing a web designer that matches your needs. A good website looks nice and provides visitors with information, but a great website generates traffic and converts prospects to buyers. Most people don’t know what they want or what they need when it comes to their website and don’t understand what search engine optimization (SEO)...

Wix, Weebly, SquareSpace or WordPress

I really like the look of my website, but people have a really hard time finding it. Yup, sounds familiar. Let me guess: Your current site is built (or is being built) by your sister’s friend’s cousin You got burned or know someone that got burned by a self-proclaimed webmaster a few years back You made a Weebly site because you wanted to be able to update it yourself You watch a lot of DIY channels Well fear not, there is still hope. First, let me debunk the above website stereotypes. Chances are you never saw a portfolio from your...

Flat Design is Out – Retrofy Your Website

Flat design is out. Seriously. It is. If you really want to wow your website visitors, Idea Marketing Group can help you obtain the latest and greatest in website design trends. Retrofy it! Click here to view our own retrofied website. Remember the fantastic trends in web design that have fallen by the wayside? Like animated gif backgrounds and heavily embossed logos and funky large visitor counters? Well, studies show that we aren’t the only ones that miss them. In a carefully selected focus group, Idea identified the website design elements of the past that were most often requested back....

Does My Business Need An App?

Starting in July of 2008 through present-day 2014, technology has seen the rise and overtaking of mobile apps. Since 2008, there’s been: Over 1,100,000 apps were submitted to Apple’s app store, 575,000 of which are native to iPad Another million apps have joined the party from Android and with over 175,000 apps from the Windows Store This app fiesta shows no signs of slowing down. Every day we use apps that let us control the world around us. As we update our status on Twitter, order pizza that’s delivered right to our door, and use our favorite filter on our...

Online Website Payment Options 101

If you want a website that doubles as a yellow pages advertisement, you’ve stumbled upon the wrong website. We aim to create custom, marketable, crazy awesome websites. So, if you want your new website to be your marketing version of a new BFF, read on my friend. Websites should improve business functionality. If you consider all the available features you can add to a website to increase functionality, you could improve so many aspects of your business efficiencies. Membership management, eCommerce, catalog, online forms, private information available only with a login (for clients or staff), location lookup, search within the...

#Facebookis10 – Lookback Videos Offer a Staged Glimpse of Your 10 Years

I’m feeling nostalgic today. I guess that’s exactly what the team at Facebook was hoping for with these Lookback videos. I admit it. I’m obsessed with watching everyone’s Facebook Lookback videos. It’s like catching up without talking. Yes ma, you’re right, there is nothing like a real phone call. However, I did a little digging through my own profile and crunched some numbers, likes, and friendships; unfortunately, we don’t have the insight that we do on a business page with our personal profiles. What I can’t, nor shall I ever try to understand, is the algorithm that the developers of...

Google Places, Google+ and Authorship

You know you need to be on Google’s extended networks. You know you want people who search you to find you via Google. So, what’s most important? Well, we recommend you make sure you are pinned correctly on Google Places for Business and that you are using Google+, at least a little bit. Then build from there. Here are our Google priorities for you: 1. Google Places for Business – or call it Google + Business – Is your business located in the correct location when you Google it? Do you use Google maps on your phone? Login with your...

New School Efficiencies for a Better Non Profit Organization

Non-profit organizations face barriers with administrative support, over-worked employees, under-qualified but good-intentioned volunteers, lofty board of directors objectives and limitless goals to help promote the cause or charity. Like the old adage says, you need to adopt a ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ mentality. And to do that, there are some efficiencies you can implement in your operation that can take away some paperwork, increase productivity and help you market your cause to a greater audience. Here are some suggestions: FORMS: Old School – PDF forms that you fill out and email or slower yet, snail mail back. New School –...

Does My Business Really Need to Blog?

Yes, you absolutely need to blog for business. I know you’re busy with all that work stuff you’re doing, but take a minute and consider what’s bringing people in the door. Your blog brings people looking for your amazing expertise right to your website. Voilà!  Essentially, your blog is an invaluable part of your marketing plan. And after your newspaper ad hits the recycle bin, your magazine ad gets turned into a collage at your kid’s school, and the rent from the billboard shows you a small return on investment, your blog will still keep churning out leads and bringing...

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