Moz released an in-depth look at mobile data and the speed at which things are shifting from desktop use to mobile. It is a little on the technical side but it discusses how even advertising numbers targeting strictly mobile users are on the rise.

“I’d strongly encourage the same for mobile – open a phone browser and really try to see what the consumer is experiencing. If your business is primarily local or an impulse buy driven by TV and other advertising, the time to consider mobile is already behind you. For the rest of us, the mobile future is unfolding now.”
-Dr. Peter J. Meyers

At Idea, we couldn’t agree more, which is why all websites we build are done as responsive websites. This means that they have been optimized for fast loading speeds. If you are unsure whether your website is set up for mobile, contact us, and we’ll be happy to review it.

See the full article on why mobile-friendly websites matter for your business growth: Why Mobile Matters Now