As a manufacturer, you need to use marketing strategies to convince other businesses to work with you. Business to business (B2B) or manufacturing marketing models are often more complex and have longer sales cycles than business to consumer (B2C) marketing approaches. The internet is an excellent way to reach potential customers. A robust digital strategy to increase your online presence is the best way to reach more businesses in this evolving marketplace through maximizing inbound lead generation. Here is an overview of a few inbound marketing strategies manufacturers can use.

How to Build a Successful Manufacturing Marketing Strategy

Optimizing Your Manufacturing Website

Having an optimized website is one of the best manufacturing marketing strategies. It entails using search engine optimization (SEO) to enable potential clients to find your website easily. Manufacturing SEO helps increase quality traffic to your site to convert the leads to sales. This digital marketing strategy can be as simple as editing a few titles or as complex as link building, keyword research, and adding meta titles. At some point, it’s likely beneficial to consider a complete website redesign to significantly improve your business.

Effective Google Ads and PPC

A great way to improve your SEO efforts is investing in pay-per-click (PPC) and Google ads for manufacturing. PPC ads are paid text-only ads that appear at the top of search pages after potential clients search for related terms. PPC operates on a bidding system where you compete with rival businesses to place ads under the same keyword.

Competition may be stiff depending on the type of keyword you choose and the broadness of its search. Developing your PPC strategy may seem confusing at first, but working with the right partner who understands the complexities of a fine-tuned PPC campaign guarantees a great return on investment.

Using CRM Systems

Manufacturing customer relations management (CRM) refers to software you can use to create a catalog of client details. You can also use the organized repository for inventory tracking, order tracking, and quote management. This information can help you identify new sales leads, understand your clients’ tastes, and efficiently close more sales. Predicting future sales growth is possible based on potential leads and streamlining your supply chain with the proper CRM tool.

A comprehensive CRM system that captures your site’s visitor information can be the golden key that unlocks a flood of new lead opportunities. Capturing this potential customer information can allow your team to better understand who is visiting your site and build effective email campaigns to target these individuals. This info can also be a great pool of prospective leads if you have a sales team. Businesses that are digitally savvy can use a variety of tools to accomplish this task, including lead tracking software and form integration. Both can be successful CRM tools to transform your business performance.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media is quite popular among manufacturing marketing strategies. You can use LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to reach out to B2B prospects. Having an active social media presence on these different platforms is an excellent way to expand brand awareness. Your satisfied clients can improve your brand’s outreach by sharing your manufacturing services with their loyal following.

Through social media engagements, you can gain helpful client insight into how to improve your manufacturing efforts. Social media allows you to share beneficial information in real time and generate leads from followers. You can quickly create an online buzz by trending on social media platforms. By strategically using hashtags and trending topics, social media can save you from obscurity and put a spotlight on your manufacturing business in a matter of moments.

Providing Written Content

Another excellent manufacturing marketing tool is publishing written content. As part of inbound marketing, written educational content helps attract clients to your website. Content marketing connects with prospects across different vital levels of the sales funnel.

At the top of the sales funnel, you need to develop a rapport with visitors that get to your website through smart PPC programs and organic SEO. These prospects may be looking for information on specific products, answers to questions, or fixes to problems they are facing. Building a comprehensive content marketing strategy for your business is essential in order to reach your target audience. You can provide this helpful content through:

  • Blog posts
  • E-books
  • Press Releases
  • Industry research
  • Factory tour videos

For the middle of the funnel content marketing strategies, you need to display what separates you from your rivals. You can achieve this by availing of comparison guides comprising the pros and cons of different manufacturing approaches. Also, providing industry-focused content helps you showcase the key sectors you work in and the specific top-notch services you can provide. As you get closer to the bottom of the funnel, providing a buyer’s guide help prospects familiarize themselves with how to start working with you.

When dealing with the bottom of the funnel group, you need to develop ways of closing the deal and converting leads into clients. You can achieve it through product videos to supplement the possibly complex written content marketing strategies. Providing specification brochures or sheets helps clients know your exact capabilities and determine if you are the perfect match.

Choose Manufacturing Marketing Experts, Idea Marketing Group

Website optimization, PPC ads, CRM systems, social media, and written content are excellent manufacturing marketing strategies you can use. Our team has worked with numerous manufacturing companies to build an effective business strategy to drive sales increases and boost brand awareness through our specialized inbound lead marketing strategy. Through our experts in custom web design and digital marketing strategy, we at Idea Marketing Group can help you effectively implement these manufacturing advertising strategies. Contact us today to build your manufacturing marketing strategy.