Your website is the linchpin of your online marketing campaign. It should be your business’s prime online location, where all traffic is directed, and anyone can go to find out more information. It should answer customers’ most popular questions. It should make their experience a convenient one.

There are three areas imperative to a strong website. If you are lacking in one or more of these three, it may be time to seek the services of a professional web designer or marketer.

3 Essential Charactistics of Great Websites

First, the design of your website should be visually engaging. It needs to stand apart from the competition. Potential online customers make the decision to engage or click away in a matter of seconds. Eye-popping graphics and a unique, custom design can help draw customers in, and keep them there.

The design is what makes your site memorable and makes it stand apart from the competition. Your logo and the website will create your company’s brand identity. These are all things that a professional web designer can help with.

Next, your website should work as an online salesman. This means it needs to be highly findable so that the potential customers searching for your services find your business. Quality SEO work can help your business to maintain a strong presence and be found in the search engines.

The first step is to make sure it has the proper title, keyword, and description meta tags. From there, an aggressive linking and social media campaign can help.  A professional web designer or marketer can help your business achieve this.

Last, your business’s messaging needs to be a strong one. What your website says is just as important as how it looks, when it comes to engaging customers. Grammatical or spelling errors will quickly send a customer clicking away. Your website’s content needs to be both informative and engaging. A professional copywriter knows how to write for potential customers as well as search engines.

At Idea Marketing Group, we eat, sleep, and breathe websites! We are one of the top digital agencies in Chicago and have worked with hundreds of businesses since 2009 to help them grow digitally.