This one goes out to all the bloggers out there. Having a blog is great, since it puts your website ahead of all those who don’t; however, does your content possess what it needs to gain readers and keep them? To create a great blog post, here are five blog post outlines that present which blog entries should be composed to create quality and resourceful posts and ultimately gain a larger reach.

The five essential blog outlines that readers loves include:

LISTS – Using lists is great for blogging because they condense the information making it easier for readers to remember. They are able to quickly process the information and retrieve it later.

REVIEWS – A company can go on and on about how great their products are but at the end of the day customers may think you’re “tooting your own horn.” Customers like to hear their friend’s thoughts on products or services before investing their own money. If their friend hasn’t tried it then they turn to reviews. Post those reviews on your blog and reassure prospective customers that you aren’t blowing smoke and that your product really is as great as you say. Let them see for themselves.

TIPS – Every blog should serve as a resource to visitors. Give readers tips on things that are helpful to know and that they could benefit from learning. Once they find a tip useful they will always come back for more.

CURRENT EVENTS & NEWS – There are a million places online where readers can find information however your job is to give them reasons to choose your blog as their source. Dissect the information and analyze it, provide insight, pros, cons, possibilities, or opportunities. This will give your readers more to think about than just the facts.

HOW-TO’S – People are becoming more and more interested in learning how to do things. They don’t just want information; they want to know how to do things themselves. For example, rather than writing about how open spaces create increased socialization at a social gathering, write about what are good pieces to incorporate in the space to create an open feel. This will tell them not only about why openness creates a good event space but also how to achieve an open look. All in all, you are maximizing their knowledge.

Now you know how to create quality blog posts that keep readers interested and informed. By making your blog a great resource, you’ll be steps ahead of the competition.

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