Case Study

Social Media Ad Campaigns for Nurse Call Technology Manufacturer Jeron Electrical Systems

A nurse call technology manufacturer came to us in November 2020, looking for help with running some ads on social media. The client wanted to run ads on both Facebook and LinkedIn, reaching users who were interested in nursing, healthcare IT and software, high-level employees at healthcare facilities, and more.

On Facebook/Instagram and LinkedIn, our digital ads specialist ran about 20 different ads for the manufacturer for about five months. Most of the ads were videos showing their provider technology center and nurse call systems. Most of the videos included individuals from the company talking about their goal, and the technology they provide.

Some of the best-performing ads from each platform are below, along with some of the analytics from both Facebook and LinkedIn.

Facebook Video Ad #1

How We Increased Website Visits For a Medical Device Manufacturer

How We Increased Website Visits For a Medical Device Manufacturer

The Challenge: Growing Awareness on a Social Media For a Medical Device Manufacturer

A medical device manufacturer was looking for more medical professionals to learn more about their new technology center and the services they have to offer.

The Solution: Promoting Virtual Tours For The Medical Technology Center

Idea Marketing Group understood what the medical device manufacturer was looking for, and after some consulting and preparation, we strategized ad copy and a strategy overall to execute these digital ads. From budget, to timeline, the manufacturer really looked to us for help.

The video featured a staff member talking about what you’ll see when taking a tour of their center. They share clips of the product in use and mention how it can give you a turnkey solution.

The Results: Idea Marketing Group Helped Attract Users To The Website With Clicks

The digital ads specialist at Idea Marketing Group consulted with the medical device manufacturer to execute a video ad to reach new and possible users who are interested in their product.

The video ad increased in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 80,000 users. The client and our team wanted to target social media users from the ages of 25 to 65 for a week, and we saw more men were engaged with the ad. Our thought process as to why more men were interested in the ad, was because a male was speaking in the video about the product and company.

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Facebook Video Ad #2

Increasing Brand Awareness & Virtual Tour Requests For a Provider Technology Center

The Challenge: Sharing the Benefits of The Technology Center & Obtaining New Client Relationships

In hopes of getting more tour requests for their technology center, the medical device manufacturer wanted to share the benefits of the center and the services they offer.

The Solution: Target Individuals In Healthcare & Related Fields of Work For Virtual Tours

Idea Marketing Group worked with the medical device manufacturer to strategize ad copy, budget, and timeline for this video. The client had an audience in mind that they wanted to target. We looked for users who were interested in some of the following interests, including

  • Private Healthcare
  • Patient Safety
  • Critical Care Nursing
  • Acute Care
  • Health Information Technology, and more.

The video was introduced to the technology center for healthcare providers, and while you didn’t see an actual person talking in the video, it was just a voiceover. The video really showcased the technology center and how it’s used.

The Results: Idea Marketing Group Helped Gain Virtual Tour Appointments

The Idea Marketing digital ads specialist worked with the medical device manufacturer to launch a video ad reaching users who will likely be interested in the product.

With the ad, we were looking for an increase in reach, impressions, and clicks with over 70,000 users reached, which led to more clicks and impressions on the ad and website. We also noticed more men were engaged with the ad, especially between the ages of 25 to 54.

Linkedin Video Ad #1

Increasing The Amount of Healthcare Professionals Using The Medical Device

Increasing The Amount of Healthcare Professionals Using The Medical Device

The Challenge: Finding Healthcare Professionals Who Were The Right Fit For The Medical Technology

The goal of this LinkedIn ad was to reach healthcare professionals. The business platform seemed like the right one to use, with professionals looking for work, employees, and more.

The Solution: Choosing an Ad Objective That Best Fit The Company’s Goal

With the LinkedIn advertising platform, we chose a website visit objective for our ads. Our goal was for users to fill out the contact form and interact with the landing page on the website.

The client shared a video of the technology center they wanted users to see. With bits of text and clips of how the center can help medical professionals, viewers could get a sense of their product. When we decided we didn’t want to change any of our audience preferences, we launched the ad, targeting the same LinkedIn users we had for a few of the previous ads.

The job titles our ad reached were:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Technician, Healthcare Services
  • Engineering

We even targeted industries like:

  • Hospital & Healthcare
  • Medical Practice
  • Health, Wellness & Fitness

The Results: More Medical Professionals Engaged With The Medical Device Manufacturer

After the ad finished, we compared the results with previous content we’ve paid to advertise and this ad had done the best out of the others we had run. With over 8,600 impressions and clicks on the ad, we felt confident the medical device manufacturer would receive some traction for their virtual tour. With LinkedIn, we can only target by location, company, education, job experience, interests, and traits; so it’s a little harder to tell if more women or men saw it, and what age demographics interacted with the ad the most.

Linkedin Video Ad #2

Healthcare Professionals To a Medical Device Manufacturer Using LinkedIn

How We Introduced More Healthcare Professionals To a Medical Device Manufacturer Using LinkedIn

The Challenge: Deciding On Which Social Media Platform To Utilize for Advertising

The medical device manufacturer was looking for healthcare professionals. When thinking about ad platforms to utilize, LinkedIn made the most sense. We of course used Facebook as well, mostly because of the popularity but it’s where friends and family interact, so while it was a great platform to use, LinkedIn just made more sense.

The Solution: Using a Professional Networking Social Media Platform To Target Medical & Healthcare Professionals Looking For New Technology

With the LinkedIn advertising platform, there isn’t a reach objective, but there is a website visit objective and for the majority of ads, we chose to have this goal in mind. We were essentially looking for users to click on our link and interact with the website and contact form on the landing page.

Once the ad objective was decided on, our Idea Marketing Group digital ads specialist worked with the client to drill down on the audience metrics we wanted to target. Some of the job titles and functions we wanted our ad to target include:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Technician, Healthcare Services
  • Engineering.

We even targeted different industries, ones that you would expect like:

  • Hospital & Healthcare
  • Medical Practice, and Health
  • Wellness & Fitness

Once the audience and objective were decided on, the client created the video of a staff member sharing information about their virtual tour and what to expect. They briefly mention what their product can do and the solutions you can expect.

The Results: Increasing Impressions & Website Visits With A Video Ad

The video ad increased impressions and clicks with over 8,500 users viewing the ad. When looking at the analytics, the graphs are a little different, and not as intricate as the Facebook analytics.

With LinkedIn, there aren’t as many audience-targeting capabilities as there are with Facebook and other platforms. We can target by location, company, education, job experience, interests, and traits. However, age and gender are factors that we cannot specifically target.

Idea Marketing Group is a web design company in Chicago that helps diverse businesses grow through custom web design and marketing services.