At Idea, we use Google+. We post to it, we follow people, we share, and we continue to grow on G+.

Yes, G+ has changed and continues to change. We modify our social strategies as often as G+ changes theirs.

We like G+ and we see the value in it, both for us and for our clients.

The recent Techcrunch article isn’t the first G+ bashing article that we’ve seen, and we just wanted to address it. We’ve had a number of clients express concern and we want to be clear on our position.

Setting up a solid internet presence is nearly impossible without utilizing Google products. As Matt Cruikshank says, “ultimately Google+ is tied into so many Google services, delivering data that is critical to their success that to even consider Google without it is like thinking of a car, without wheels.”

So, what do we do?

We let Vic Gondutra step down gracefully from his position at Google, let the rest of the senior-level corporate team come up with their new plan and keep our ears open for what’s next with Google Plus.

We think there are plenty of benefits of Google Plus. In fact, we continue to re-evaluate social strategies for ourselves and our clients as we usually do and we continue to keep an eye on G+ and watch the metamorphosis of what Google decides to do with it and make changes accordingly.

If you aren’t already following us on G+, we encourage you to do so at +Idea Marketing Group. You can follow each of our team members as well!