Flat design is out. Seriously. It is. If you really want to wow your website visitors, Idea Marketing Group can help you obtain the latest and greatest in website design trends. Retrofy it! Click here to view our own retrofied website.

Remember the fantastic trends in web design that have fallen by the wayside? Like animated gif backgrounds and heavily embossed logos and funky large visitor counters? Well, studies show that we aren’t the only ones that miss them. In a carefully selected focus group, Idea identified the website design elements of the past that were most often requested back.

Those elements are:

  • Animated gif background
  • 3D boxes
  • Scrolling marque
  • Flashing design
  • Dancing baby
  • Animated menu rollovers
  • Cursor follow and trail
  • Background audio
  • Embossed logo design
  • Page counter

​Now not every site can incorporate all of these elements, but Idea worked hard to do so on its own site here

Don’t settle for a flat site design. Show your customers what they want, what they really really want — a super-duper retro site with all the bells and whistles. Check us out, and see how we can move you forward by keeping you back.