There are many website owners out there confounded by SEO. It’s a topic that can cover a wide range of practices, some involving a high-level skill set. Search engines simply need a way to differentiate the websites they come across, and rank them in a way that makes sense to those surfing the web. You can have the most beautifully designed website, with high functionality, but if nobody can find it then it doesn’t matter. Here are five things you can look at without expertise in code, to make sure that your business is getting the most out of its site.


On the web, a link is like a vote of confidence for your site. Somebody thought enough of your website, your content, and your message to link to your work. It’s always great to have other reputable sites link to yours.  There are things you can do, however, to increase the number of links back to your site. Social media, blogging, forums and various web directories all allow for opportunities to post links.


Search engines look for content that conveys an expertise on your subject. They are looking for keywords in the content, to help establish relevance between your website and the search it was found in. Article marketing and blogs help you to establish an expertise while providing a reason for your customers to return to your website.

Domain Name

The domain name is another feature that search engines use to value the importance of your website. It should be something that your customers remember. It should also have your business name. You may also want to consider getting a domain name with a keyword in it. If you own a construction company, consider putting the word construction after the company name. If you own an Italian restaurant, consider putting that after the name. These are words people may use to search for your business. If it’s in the domain name, that will help.


The meta tags and alt tags within your website code help to tell the search engines more information about your site. You would need a basic knowledge of html and a more in-depth knowledge of SEO to make sure that they are done right. You can, however, confirm that they are there.

The meta tags should be toward the top of your website. If they are there, they start with the words “meta name,” and then should vary from there. The alt tags should appear on any line with a picture. A picture would be noted by starting with “img src.” These lines are opportunities for search engines to learn more about your website. If your site does not give them this information, your business is missing an opportunity.

Website structure

Your website should have a clean structure to make it easier for customers and search engines to navigate them. The title of the page should have something to do with the information to be found on it. Links should all be clearly labeled, go to the right pages, and be active. There should also be a clear navigational path on every page. This will help ensure that the search engines find all the content on the site that you want them to rank.


If you need more assistance with your SEO and content strategy, our Chicago Web Design Company has successfully helped hundreds of businesses succeed online since 2009. Get in touch for a free consultation!