Blogs. Videos. White Papers. Emails. When they fail to generate results, look at these three factors:


Poor distribution means you’re not reaching the right audience.

Example 1: Your blog, “Choosing the Right Medical Device Manufacturer” could be great. But, if I work in the Accounts Payable department, it doesn’t matter. I’m not the right audience.

Example 2: Your white paper, “A Practical Guide to Transform Manufacturing Operations with Smart Pull” could also be great. But, if it’s not optimized for search engine keywords like lean manufacturing, smart pull, or manufacturing operations, I could be the right audience, but I may never find it.

Example 3: Author and speaker, Andrew Davis, has had a great YouTube channel for six years. But, I just discovered it last week because I happened to come across Part 2 of his series on experiential marketing. I’m the perfect audience for that content, but somehow I never knew about the channel and I missed Part 1. If Davis only promoted his content to his existing followers on Facebook (for example) or only promoted videos the day they launched, I may have never found it.

How to Get Better Results with Content Distribution

Getting results from your content means giving yourself the best possible chance of reaching the right audience, being discoverable when and where they are searching, and using the distribution channels they use consistently throughout the year. And you should be prepared to pay for distribution if you don’t already have a built-in, loyal audience.

Poor timing means you’ve reached the right audience at the wrong time.

Identifying and understanding your target audience is the basis of Marketing 101. But what if I’m not in position to make a purchase?

Example 1: My wife and I are buying a new house and we need new furniture. For companies like Ashley Furniture, we’re the ideal target audience. What Ashley doesn’t know when I see a Facebook Ad for the store’s Veteran’s Day Sale is that we’ve already bought our furniture. We’re no longer in a buying position.

Example 2: A marketing automation company sends me an email at least once a week, pitching its software, sharing use cases, asking for “a quick call.” Unfortunately, our budget is closed for the year. So, we may be the right audience, but this definitely isn’t the right time.

How to Get Better Results with Content Timing

It would be great to know when customers have a need and a budget to spend. But we don’t. So, we have to consistently deliver content that shows we understand our customers and the opportunities we can make possible–whenever they’re ready.

The wrong message can ruin opportunities with the right audience at the right time.

Example 1: Your Sales team knows why customers choose your manufacturing company. But, if you send a cold email asking prospects to schedule a phone call, that’s like offering them a piece of candy to climb into your windowless van. There’s little to no chance they’ll accept the invitation.

Example 2: It’s easy to send the wrong message when you treat your target audience as a single group–everyone gets the same message. The truth is, content for everyone is content for no one.

How to Get Better Results with Content Messaging

Embrace the customer’s journey from their own perspective. Instead of blasting out the same quick-sale message to everyone since it’s easier to mass market, identify the specific pain points of your top customers and deliver that message to a segment that is likely having the same challenges.

Reach the Right Audience at the Right Time with the Right Message

Content doesn’t drive business results when it isn’t distributed to enough of the right people; when it doesn’t reach them at the right time; or when the message focuses on your needs instead of theirs.

It’s that simple.

Create content that answers your ideal customer’s burning questions. Optimize it for SEO with focus keywords. Use a variety of owned, earned, and paid channels to promote it year-round so when your customer is ready to purchase, you’re still front of mind.

Now that you understand why your content isn’t getting the results you desire, you may still need a bit of help! At Idea Marketing Group, we specialize in SEO and Content Marketing Services to help brands grow their businesses organically. Contact us today!